Overwatch x Child reader

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⚓️You are 15 and live on a Sail boat. Along with you is your dogs Bermuda the Chihuahua and Koi the chow chow. Then there was Beanz the fox. All four of you traveled around the world going on adventures which you later published in your book series "The chronicles of Onyx".

⚓️This is were things get started.
You were on the deck relaxing when Beanz started going wild.
"Beanz it's 8 in the morning what is th-"
You stopped when you saw a body being dragged on the boat by Koi.
"Dat a body"
Said body then groaned.
"Dat a living body".
Running to help you manage to pull the guy on the boat before lightly tapping their cheek. After another groan you drag him below deck and started to patch him up. After finding no ID you decided to wait until he got up while setting course to the Italy.

⚓️Beanz is way to friendly for his own good.
"What the-"
Beanz licked the guest face as his tail wagged happily.
"Where am I?"
"Your alive, thought I lost ya there" you say as you walked below deck.
"Who the hell-"
"Dude, chill," you put up your hands "I found you out at sea so I dragged you on my boat".
"Who are you?"
"The names (Y/N) (L/N), you?"
"Jack Morrison"
"Well its a pleasure to meet you Jack".

⚓️You don't really keep up with the news.
"So your telling me your the Commander of Overwatch?" You asked him as you both ate food and waited for someone to pick him up.
"Yes, Do you ever watch the news?"
"My guy, I travel the world in a boat, you expect me to have good internet access?" You retort as Bermuda and Beanz played.
"Well no, but kids your age are usually on social media"
"I have bigger concerns besides social media"
"Like what, getting sunburn?"
You stopped and looked at him blankly.
"I almost got eaten by a shark yesterday"
Your conversation ended once a load of military vehicles drove up and you were surrounded by Soldiers.

⚓️After telling the soldiers to stand down and you were not a threat you both said your fair wells and that was that... or so you thought.
Falling from your bed in a kangaroo onesie you ended hitting your head and knocking yourself out.

⚓️Oooooo, more charactersssss.
You were awoken to the breath of certain dogs.
"If y'all don't get out my face Ima push you off" you said as Bermuda, Koi, and Beanz started wiggling joyously.
"Well it looks like the Commanders savior has awoken" a red head said walking in behind a blond.
"Shush Moira. Hello there, I'm Dr.Angela and this is Dr. O'Deorain," said Angela gesturing to Moira as she starred down Koi "Anyhow we are sorry about last night".
"Yeah, what was that about?" You asked.
"Apparently some of the higher ups wanted you to be brought in for questioning but fail to mention you were a harmless child" Moira tells.
"I'm not harmless" you huffed.
They looked you up and down observing you kangaroo onesie with a chihuahua in the pouch.

⚓️You tell no lies.
In the interrogation room you sat around messing with Koi's face until someone finally came in.
"Hey Jack" you said as he walked in.
"Hello again (Y/N), I'm so sorry about last night".
"It cool," you turn to the man besides him "who dis?".
"I'm Commander Gabriel Reyes"
"Nice to meet you"
"So we need to do this little interview on how you found me out at sea"Jack tells you.
"I mean I kinda just found you floating and dragged you on my boat"
"We need more details kid" Gabe pipes in.
"Okay. Well it was the morning and I just ate when Beanz started going crazy"
"I'm sorry, Beans?"
"Yes, B-E-A-N-Z," you pointed at the Fox "So he starts going crazy then the next thing I know was Koi, my chow, was dragging this guy on my boat".
"I said "Dat a body" then you started breathing so then I said "Dat a living body". I dragged you under deck and started patching you up then head on up to Italy" you tell him.
"Where does the Chihuahua come into this?" Gabe joked.
"Pretty sure she attempted to attack his feat".

? x young Reader ONE-SHOTS PART 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt