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Hello dear readers. Here is a brief and concise introduction on how you must comport yourself throughout this story. Key terms will be dissected and hopefully by the end of this manual you will be a right and proper lady/sire who knows her/himself through and through. Any writer worth their salt would know that informing is the foundation of a good tale.

Titles and manners of addressing:

(Y/N); will always stand for your name, whether it be Elizabeth or Meyers. An OC of any sort will do.

(L/N); will serve as your last name. what is not specified will be of your choosing. Take great care in selecting a presentable and noble last name.

(M/N); this will not occur frequently in this book; however, it stands for middle or maiden name. You may forfeit the need for one or by courtesy chose to obtain one. The choice is yours.

(e/c); will be your eye color of choice. Vermillion to azure, let your imagination run wild.

(h/c); will be your hair color. The texture will be specified as the narrator sees fit.

(o/c); stands for object color.


The POV rotations will fluctuate between the main characters or upon occasion, the side characters.

The main characters: Sebastian Michaelis, (Y/N).

Less frequented POVs: Grelle Sutcliffe, Madame red (in certain flashbacks), the three musketeers (Finnian, Balderoy and Mey-Rin), The Undertaker, Ronald the reaper, William T Spears (to Sebastian's intense displeasure), Ciel Phantomhive, Prince Soma, Agni, Claude Faustus, Hannah Annafellows.


Choices will be rare but when they happen you will be asked to either skip or read a certain paragraph in accordance with a certain choice.

Some background:


You are Ciel Phantomhives cousin. At the age of 16 you began to show an interest in Medicine. This interest was fueled by the need to save your dying mother who happened to be the only one you had left. You dedicated your teenage years to the study of medicine and thus became quiet, distant, cold and indifferent to everyone and everything. The need for others became ultimately meaningless. You worked close with madame red as her apprentice for a good 4 years until your disappearance. You had disappeared one day without a single trace and remained that way for a lengthy 5 years. You resurfaced suddenly, having no memory of the five years spent in recluse. All you have to show for it is a strange pentagonal mark on your shoulder and the loss of speech. You find out that Madame red is long since gone, your mother had withered away while you galivanted off to who knows where. In a fit of rage and a fiery temper you didn't know you had, you burned the lab to the ground... and landed on the Phantomhive docket. Upon sight of Sebastian Michaelis, a dashing butler whose name you've sworn you've heard before, you regain the ability to speak.


-there will be mature scenes and mentions of mature content. Young'uns shouldn't be here in the first place. Deepest apologies dears. Those of you who are of age, feel free to either skip the paragraph or chapter depending on your personal preference. There will always be a warning though so rest easy.

-Triggers such as mentions of suicide, abuse or self-harm may be mentioned as the story progresses, but unfortunately as I'm just beginning this tale, I take sadness in informing you that I cannot guarantee the ceasing of these mentions.

-Murder, blood and violence will be an avid topic in this story so if that doesn't quite sit well in your stomach or if you are one of the squeamish kinds then do bid this book a farewell, you are a surgeon after all, Y/n.

The *sigh* due to a lack of better description, blurb:

Sebastian. Sebastian Michaelis. The name on the tip of my tongue. The name that always resided there. Safe in my mouth. Muddled in memory but I could always taste him. Always. The words always seemed to want to rush out of my mouth like a dam about to break. He stands serene as ever, a hardened look in his eye as he seems to recognize me. The dam breaks, I speak. And the first words that tumble off of my unpracticed tongue remain as they were for several eternities;


Now you know what it takes to make it through this story without mishaps. Remember that you are a lady/sire of the court so comport yourself with curt elegance, grace and prowess. Chin up when nobility addresses you, fan in hand and finest jewelry you must don. I send my wishes to you.

Off you go now.

[Chapter 1 will be up tomorrow]

-Countess, Louanne of Hilburry.


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