The Three Williams Sisters(chapter after 'Meeting Lena Ravenstar')

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A while later, me and Valentine are sitting on the shore of the waterfall's pool. I look at him out of the corner of my eye. "So." I say casually. "Tell me about Lena." Valentine shrugs, leaning back against a gray boulder. It is smooth and almost polished, worn out by the weather and the water sloshing against it constantly. "What's there to tell? She's my cousin. I love her, and she is fairly badass." I scoff and sit up straighter at this, staring at him in the eyes. "Alright, hold up. I am fairly badass too! In fact, I am so badass, I make the Terminator look like he belongs in My Little Pony." He raises an eyebrow, laughing. "Really? Well then, I guess since you're so don't need your phone, laptop, T.V., IPod, or your IPad. You know, since you're too badass for them, right?" I gasp and narrow my eyes at him. "You wouldn't dare. I mean, ahem, of course I would be okay." I bite my lip, looking to my left as I lean towards him. "Please don't take them away from me!" I beg under my breath. He clears his throat and looks away, and when he does, his beautiful eyes widen. "Um, not to scare you or anything.....but there's three blond girls over there staring at us." I blush, realizing that I've been inhaling his woodsy, musky man smell, and lean away from him hastily. I stand up and fix my beanie, which had been falling off, and look around, immediately spotting three heads of different types of blond heads.

          "Oh, shit!" I exclaim. I slap my hand over my mouth and look sheepishly at Valentine, who's staring at me in shock. "That's gotta be the first time I've heard you curse. Kind of." He says in amazement. I scowl and cross my arms. "Whatever." I look at the three girls, guessing that the tallest, with dirty blond hair, is the oldest. She has it into a high ponytail, her expression bewildered. "Hi. I'm Ava. We're supposed to talk to someone.....the queen? Can you take us to her?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

           I raise one of mine in response. "You need to talk to my mom? Ok, I guess. C'mon, I'll take you to her, she shouldn't be too busy." Ava gasps, quickly giving me a deep curtsy and motioning for her sisters to do the same. They do and I shift uncomfortably; I could practically feel Valentine's smirk.

           I sigh and rake my hands through my hair. "Guys, you can get up now. Please don't do that if you can help it, I don't like it. You're not my slaves. But thank you. Come on, let's go." The smallest girl, with straight, short blond hair and bright blue eyes looks at me with admiration. I smile at her and gesture towards the palace. "Come on. The queen awaits."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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