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Apollo (magic swordsman) "Black hair semi long human male

Iris (mage) "White hair kinda longer human woman"

Fate (Great swordsman) "brown hair short human male"


(Fate) we.. Really got lost? How?

(Iris) Oh I don't know how , maybe if Apollo could pull his own weight and not destruct us we wouldn't be in this situation!

(Apollo) Oh, don't act like you are any better, the only thing you know how to do well is how to complain!

(Fate) You know maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if both of you could stop being idiotic and having all these meaningless disputes!

(Iris) Don't act like you know it all Fate , it was your fault we got lost in the dungeon forest because of your flawed sense of direction!

(Fate) I proposed going in a certain direction and both of you agreed, don't put all of the blame on me Iris, it was also your job to get a magic compass, but you forgot.

(Iris) Rather than wasting my breath on you I propose we try to find our way out this damn forest, why couldn't it just be like the second floor? A straight line, oh how I miss the straight line

(Fate) While that was an unnecessary rude remark, I will have to agree, if we don't find the way back up we will endanger our lives

. *after some time*
(Apollo) I want to take a break

(Fate) let us make camp then, I'll prepare the food, you and Iris go set up the camp

(Iris) aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(Apollo) It's so good to finally sit down and rest, and also you might give bad suggestions sometimes but your cooking is really good.

(Iris) yeah I didnt think ill be eating such nice curry inside a dungeon

(Fate) thank you, now that we've eaten let's get some shut eye, our supplies are also dwindling so we won't be able to eat after tomorrow, remember, we didn't come here to stay for a long period of time, it was only for a day in order for us to get used to dungeons

*next day after walking some more and eating lunch*

(Iris) At this rate, if we don't find the exit we'll die cause of starvation, we don't have many supplies left.

(Fate) If we are that desperate we could try and fight the protector of this floor and get teleported out that way.

(Iris) Yeah, like your suggestion was a good one last time, do we even have enough power to defeat the protector? Won't we just die fighting?

(Fate) With a good plan and being prepared we might pull it of, its just the protector of the third floor, I heard a normal party can beat it with enough effort.

(Apollo) Bro, even if we can kill it, how will we even find it when we can't even find the way we came from

(Iris) I can help with that, I just need to focus and feel where the magic is the densest, that is where the boss most likely is

(Apollo) its that easy?

(Iris) Well its not easy, and I'll have to do it while we are resting, I can't do it while walking, but I still think we should try and find the exit since we do have a little time left till our supplies are depleted

(Fate) if you insist, but we are heading to the protector tomorrow if we don't get out so focus on finding it when we rest
.*time passes*

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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