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Pov y/n

I woke up and reached to my phone that was charing on the nightstand. 11:13 AM. I decided it was time to get up. I got out of bed went to the bathroom and went to the kitchen were Wilbur was sitting eating cereal. He sat with his back to me so he didn't saw me. He was focused on his phone and didn't even noticed me when I sat down next to him.

"Good morning." He flinched and dropped his spoon. I chucked. "Hey, since when were you here?" He asked putting his phone away. "Just now." I said while getting up to get a bowl for myself. "Oh yeah im not really used to have company in the morning." He looked at me while I was on my toes trying to reach the bowls. "Need any help?" He chuckled while getting up to help me.
He grabbed the bowl with no problems. I hate being so small.
I reached to take to bowl out of his hands but he pulled away.
"Lil' baby man. Lil' baby." He laughed while holding the bowl out of my reach. I stood on my tip toes but I was too small.
"You're evil." I frowned. He smirked.
I again tried to grab the bowl but I missed and instead grabbed his arm which made him lose his balance. He slipped away and kinda fall on me. I got pressed against the wall. Our faces were really close and I could feel his warm breath against my skin. He pulled away and we both just stand there for a second with faces like tomato's.
He finally handed me the bowl, that luckily didn't broke.
"Thanks." I sat down at the counter next to Will's bowls with his already soaked cereal. He sat down next to me and just poked around in his bowl.
"How did you sleep?" He broke the weird silence.
"I woke up a couple times but other than that It was okay."
"Well, properly the new sounds everywhere. You'll probably get used to it after sometime." He smiled a little.
"I'm sure I'll." I smiled back while continuing to eat my breakfast.

After I was done I took both of our bowls and put them in the dishwasher.
"Hey wanna go to the shop with me so you know where it is?"
"Yeah sure. I'm just gonna get dressed." He nodded. We both went to our rooms and got dressed.

I went for a simple and comfy outfit and decided to do light makeup.
I got out of my room and saw Will on the couch scrolling trough his phone again. I got behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He flinched which made me chucked.
"You're so jumpy." He got up and looked down at me.
"You're so small." I gave him a light punch on his shoulder.
"Auh!" He tried to act as he was hurt but he couldn't keep his smile in.  His smile is so cute...
"Come on, let's go." He handed me my jacked and we went to the car to drive to the shop.


It's kinda a weird chapter I know
I'm sorry I hope the next one is better. Hope you doing good.

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now