xxvii. family reunions & order members

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The whole group was listening in on the Order meeting then Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, decided to play with the extendable ear.

"Crookshanks! No! Bad Crookshanks!" Hissed Hermione from the top of the stairs.

"Is that Snape?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah. It's a surprise that the old greasy bat is apart of something good," Ron snarled venomously.

Harry looked at Iris and she looked ready to explode. Just then, the extendable ear was gone by non other than the orange furry cat.

"Hermione, I hate your cat," grumbled George.

Just then, the Order meeting ended and they all came pouring out of the room. Harry ran down and greeted his parents happily and Iris greeted Sirius with a warm hug.

"Molly made food, it's probably mixed with dozens of compulsions and potions, tell Harry," Sirius whispered in Iris's ear before releasing the embrace.

Molly suddenly called everyone to eat. The twins apparated behind her, scaring her.

"Just because you're allowed to use magic now, does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" Molly yelled, hitting one of the twins' arms.

Fred and George smiled in triumph at being able to annoy their mother.

George was glaring at Crookshanks, slowly putting the food in his mouth, Tonks was making her face into a pig snout, making Ginny laugh. Everyone else was having giddy conversations.

"Mors can you clear the food for any compulsions please?" Iris asked.

He made no response but she knew he cleared all the food from compulsions and any other potions that might've been put in it.

"So, how've you been Grandfather?" Iris asked.

"Bored," he answered shortly.

"This place gives me the creeps. It's unsettling," he shivered.

Iris snorted quietly.

"This place is unsettling and my presence doesn't make you feel like that, Gellert?" Death popped in.

"You really like to bully me, don't you Mr. Scythe?" Gindelwald grumbled.

It was obvious his head was in pain from the uninvited guest.

"Mr. Scythe?" Iris squeaked with silent laughter and Mors sounded done with him.

"Yes, a new nickname. You like it? Never mind that, I know you love it," Grindelwald said cockily.

If cats could grin, well, then whatever Grindelwald was doing in his cat form was definitely an unsettling grin.

"Whatever you say, Whiskers," Mors added in retaliation.

"What's with the new nicknames?" Iris chuckled.

"Shut it Powerful girl," Grindelwald defended weakly.

"Oh Gellert! You need a better comeback than that! I see age is getting to you," Mors cackled.

"You see! He bullies me!" Grindelwald exclaimed but was ignored.

"Anyways, We're just having fun," Mors explained, then went to mess with Gellert.

"Sod off won't you," Grindelwald said quietly but they both heard him.

Iris was brought out of her 'thoughts' when the kitchen door was opened.

"Ah, Tom, will you join us?" Molly asked, her cheeks sporting a light blush

. Tom looked Iris dead in the eye and smirked, "Yes, I think I will."

In that moment, three men and one boy looked ready to commit murder. Those four being, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin-Black and Harry Potter.

He took a seat in front of Iris and Molly quickly handed him plate. Tom made a quick disgusted face at the magic radiating from the plate and quickly waved his hand over it.

"Oh! You don't know who that is," Hermione pointed out the obvious. "He's been around a lot. Dumbledore always keeps him longer than everyone else during Order meetings for some reason, but that's besides the point. His name is Tom Sewlyn. Apparently he was an orphan who attended a small magic school somewhere in London," Iris heard Hermione 'whisper' to Harry.

She wasn't even next him but no one was paying attention to the two anyways.

Dinner quickly ended but not without Molly constantly making googely eyes at him. It was a wonder how her husband didn't notice it. Tom was quick to excuse himself once he was done, discreetly motioning Iris to follow, which Sirius did not miss.

Sirius narrowed his eyes but he knew there's was nothing he could really do about that situation. Iris sat there for a moment before making a quick excuse about being tired then left without a word. Of course, everyone believed it besides James, Remus, Sirius, Harry and the twins.

She arrived in the drawing room and noticed Tom sitting back on the couch, holding a drink lazily.

"Surprise?" He smirked.

𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋 (Tom Riddle) [ 𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗗 ]  BEING REWRITTEN!!Where stories live. Discover now