Carving a Place

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Harry ended up being a bit bored by the first two days of class. Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense spent their first session going over safety, classroom rules, and theory. Defense with Gryffindor was the only remotely interesting part, and even then, with Quirrell present, even Malfoy didn't throw more than an occasional sneering jibe. Harry ignored the frequent glares he received from Finnegan, Weasley, and nodded to Longbottom and Granger when he saw them. Herbology was a bit easier; he and Theo usually ended up working with Li and her new friend Lisa Turpin while Blaise, Greengrass, Davis, and Goldstein worked at the table next to theirs. Harry didn't particularly enjoy Herbology but after years of doing the Dursleys' yard work he was at least comfortable around dirt. Although the singing flowers were definitely new.

He finally sat down and wrote James on the third day of class.


You're probably not happy about me being in Slytherin. I hope it won't cause too many problems between us. I still want to try to be a family. I promise I'm not getting indoctrinated with blood purity ideas. Theo Nott doesn't hold with that and if anyone else does, they keep it to themselves. Except Malfoy, but I think Jules and I agree about him being a git.

Classes are good so far. I really like Transfiguration. McGonagall is tough but she's good at what she does. Defense is a joke. The whole room smells like garlic.

Slytherin and Gryffindor have it together. Could you tell Jules to keep Weasley from trying to hex me under the table? It's getting annoying to have to cast a shield spell every three minutes every class period.


He scanned the letter, decided it was a decent length and not too warm, and headed up to the Owlery on his own during lunch, leaving Theo and Blaise to argue about something that came up in Herbology that morning with Sue and Lisa, who'd joined them at the Slytherin table.

Alektra was perched near the ceiling when Harry walked into the Owlery, which smelled a lot like Eylops' Emporium. He called her name, and she shrieked softly as she dropped down from her perch to his shoulder.

"Good girl," he said softly, stroking her head and back. The falcon made a quiet kree sound and nipped at his hair while he moved to tie the letter to her leg. "Take this to James, please? I'm not sure if he's going to respond, but maybe wait a few minutes to see if it looks like he's going to write back?"

He wasn't sure how much of this Alektra could understand, but she made another kree, kree noise and took off in a flurry of efficient wingbeats, then vanished out the open window.

Harry leaned out and watched her shoot away to the south, took in the beauty of the Hogwarts grounds spread out in the September sunlight, realized he was possibly going to be late for the study session he'd agreed to go to during their free period, and dashed off down the stairs.

Halfway to the library, he heard Peeves' distinct voice cackling something about bottles of ink. Harry quickly decided that was not a good sign. Especially since it was getting progressively louder. He turned around and jogged back down the hall to the nearest classroom and tried to open the door. It didn't budge.

"Alohomora," he hissed, and when that didn't work, he tried "Dissolvere incantatem, aperiportus!"

The door clicked slightly, and he shoved it open, slipped inside, and closed it again just before Peeves shot by in the corridor.

Harry sighed with relief.

"Well lookie here," someone said.

He flipped around, wand out and heart in his throat.

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