11. I love you

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Sharpay Evans found herself sitting on the edge of the stage, as Ms Darbus was tapping her finger on the first row chair she was sitting on.

"Where the hell is that young girl? She's never late to rehearsal, and today we were supposed to make changes in your solo!"

Sharpay usually didn't mind being alone with Ms Darbus, the teacher had been more and more of a mother figure to her as the years went by, but today sure was frustrating.  "I have no idea, Miss!"

She was lying, of course she was. She knew for sure why Kelsi was late and why she wasn't going to show up at all. But what could she do about it? 'Absolutely nothing', she thought to herself. She knew it was her fault, but she had no way of knowing where Kelsi actually was, since the girl had blocked her number.
Sharpay's hands were clenching onto the wooden edge, head sunk low between her shoulders, as tears were staring to form in the corners of her eyes.
"Ms Darbus.. I messed up so bad."

Ms Darbuses head went rapidly from the notes she was reading to the blonde girl as she heard her voice broken and low.
She got up from her seat and went to put her hand on the teen's shoulder.

"Sharpay, honey.. are you ok? What happened?"

Ms Darbus wasn't one to show affection, especially to her students, but she had taken a liking to Sharpay, since she admired her talent and perseverance, and saw herself almost as a mentor for the girl.

"It's-" Sharpay paused, tears now streaming down her face "it's Kelsi. It's my fault she didn't come today and she's not going to, it's because of what I did." She took a deep breath before continuing "the other day after rehearsal, she confessed her feelings for me and I.. I kissed her." She was looking down at the ground, something she never did, since she was more of the type to keep her head up high in every situation.

"Oh well... and what's the problem with that?"

"I- I don't know, and I don't know how I feel, and she asked me about it and I panicked, so I denied everything and now she's mad at me."

"Mh. So that's the problem. Do you like her?"

"Yes.. I think? But I also liked Troy for a while, although I don't think I really did? And that basketball kid, Zeke, he liked me too and I thought I could like him back but now.. I'm so unsure. I don't want to screw up with Kelsi, we've been friends since middle school and I couldn't stand it if I ruined it like that."

"Mh, I see. About the Bolton kid, you probably only liked him because you're both popular and you just thought it would be 'right' being together. And this Zack guy, do you like him or do you like the fact that he likes you?"

"Oh, wow. That does make a lot of sense, Ms Darbus. I've never thought about it that way."

"You know what? Since we won't be able to rehearse anyway, how about you go home, take a long bath and think about it some more? We can always sing your solo tomorrow."

Sharpay nodded and smiled weakly. She really did need a long, hot bath.

The last bell had rung and Kelsi was waiting for her friends on top of the stairway. And here they were. Troy was walking backwards, in front of the other two, while circling his hands up and down, probably explaining some stupid new scheme he and Jason had thought about. Chad was interrupting him at every sentence, Ryan beside him, laughing along.

Troy bumped into Kelsi right as she was about to greet them, causing her to jump up and him to apologize profusely. She stepped beside Ryan and they headed to the mall, which was in walking distance of the school.

"You know what we should totally do? We should like- throw Kelsi in the air like a cheerleader and then she does a flip and-"

"Dude, you've got to calm down" Chad shook his head while smiling "or we're gonna get kicked out of the mall"

Troy sighed, then suggested they should go see a movie instead. The other three agreed, and they settled on watching The Hills Have Eyes, despite not knowing what the hell it would be about.
Halfway through the first half of the movie, Troy decided to put his little plan in action. After all he wasn't stupid, just a little dense sometimes, so he had definitely noticed there was something going on between his bestfriend and the blonde drama kid.

"Omg you guys, Gabi just texted me, she was trying on her costume for the spring play and it all fell apart!"

Ryan and Kelsi gasped, while Chad only gave him a perplexed look, not knowing the gravity of the situation.

"Kelsi, we need to go back to school and help her!" Kelsi nodded, and Ryan was getting up to tag along with them, when Troy stopped him "Oh no Ryan, do you really think I'm gonna let you see my girlfriend naked?! You stay here with Chad, we'll meet somewhere after the movie."

Chad kicked Troy's leg and whispered through his teeth "Troy. Don't you dare. I know what you're doing-"

"Oh no my girlfriend is naked backstage goodbye guys!" Troy quickly got up and pulled Kelsi along, as she looked back and waved the other two goodbye, smiling.

Ryan turned to his left, a disappointed look in his eyes. "Chad. What the hell is going on? Is this some kind of twisted joke to make fun of me? I thought you were be-"

"No Ryan that's not what it is!" They were whispering and trying to be as quiet as they could, giving that they were in a cinema. Chad continued "we're on the same boat! Troy apparently decided that since we're two gay guys that talk to eachother we're apparently soulmates and he has to get us together. He does that sometimes."

"Oh. But we're friends, right?"

"Of course we are! I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. I love you dude!"

"I love you too... man."

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