6. Upheaval - Chapter 2.2

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They got back in the car and set out, Popescu driving manually. Jimenez sat in the back with Amy, who remained silent the whole journey, staring at Popescu's headrest with her hands in her lap, while her mother followed in her own car.

They pulled to a halt about a half-mile from where the Morrisons lived, outside a house bordered by a well-tended lawn and neat flowerbeds.

'Jimenez,' Raven said as he opened the door. 'Wait here with Amy. We shouldn't be long.'

He and Popescu left the car and went to the Silvers' door. Although the Morrisons didn't appear to be technophobic, their house had displayed fewer electronic enhancements than even the exterior of the Silvers'. Raven activated the guest interface, and when the system asked their identities and the reason for their visit, he wordlessly showed it his ID. A few seconds later a tall man in a smart business suit opened the door, a slopping mug of coffee in one hand.

'Mr Silvers?' Raven asked.

'That's me. Can I help?'

'We hope so.' Raven and Popescu flashed their badges. 'UNAXI. I'm Agent Raven; this is Popescu. May we come in?'

'What's this about?' Silvers asked.

'We'd prefer not to discuss in on the street,' Popescu told him.

'Okay,' he said, and backed up to let them enter. His gaze flicked over their shoulders as they did, and his forehead creased in a frown. Raven glanced back to see that Lucy Morrison had left her car and followed them.

'Mrs Morrison. Wait in your vehicle,' Raven told her.

'Mr Silvers,' Popescu said. 'May we see your daughter, please?'

'Which one? What's this about?'

'Kate,' chirped Mrs Morrison, and Silvers glared at her.

'Mrs Morrison,' Raven said again. 'I'm warning you. Go back to your car.'

A well-groomed blonde woman appeared in a doorway ahead, wiping her hands on a towel. 'What is that woman doing here?' she demanded.

'Mrs Silvers?' Popescu flashed her badge again. 'UNAXI. We are here to investigate a possible public health threat...'

'UNAXI? I've never heard of UNAXI. Who are you people? What are you doing in my house? I'll call the police...' The woman stared at Raven. 'Is that blood on your shirt? Who are you people? Steve, call the police.'

'It's not blood, it's burger relish,' Raven said.

'UNAXI,' Popescu stated. 'The United Nations Agency for Extra-normal Investigations. This is a serious matter, Mrs Silvers. Your cooperation would be appreciated. '

'What? The United Nations have no authority here. This is America! We don't have to cooperate with you in any way!'

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