Into the woods - alone

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The being gazed at the fraud moon. It rolled its amber eyes. Mortals really loved this imposter. It was all over shirts, mugs and other things that would eventually break and would just be a waste of material. The beast shook her head of idiotic mortal thoughts. She had a mission, as most of her kind did, to find the special one. The one that would unite all the nations, mythical and mortal. Her pointed ears picked up the voice of a hunter. Humans. She rolled her big eyes again. Their brief insignificant lives always needed to be spent hurting the weak. She ran away, her furry muscular legs turning into smooth tan ones as the fraud moon started to disappear into day. It would be 28 more days till she'd see her natural self again. She clasped her arms around the bundle and disappeared into the now sunlight forest.

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