Death and fate

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I stare at the elevator doors, stoic and still. I rise and rise, how high I'll never know, as I do every day to meet with him. Fate is a curious man. I can't get a read on him. It's as if he's hidden behind walls of time and granite, expanding infinitely to keep me locked out. Every day when I finish my work, I meet him in his office for my review. I do as he instructs, never disobeying his orders, never killing more or less than I have to. His voice of smooth whiskey talks of bureaucracy and calming the tides of chaos but I can't help but wonder what he really feels, what he really wants. The walls are built so thick I can't break through.

The elevator doors open and I step into a room covered in comforting carpets, weaving intricate patterns under my feet. The walls are tall, covered floor to ceiling with books I'll never be allowed to read. Fates cat, Ms Purrington, jumps down from a small tower made for her and onto the floor. She disregards me coldly and curls up agains a large armchair in the far corner of the room.

Fate sits at his desk with his head in his hands.

"Fate? Is something wrong?" I say. I don't want to overstep.

He lifts his head quickly, startled by me, then centers himself. "Reaper, come here, would you," he beckons. He's distressed, but remains regal and immovable.

I walk toward him, awaiting instruction. He points to a shelf behind him to his right while puzzling the papers on his desk. "Can you fetch me the red book sticking out just there?" Sure enough there's a large book with a crimson fabric cover, embroidered with fine detailing. It looks old and weathered, but still sturdy, kind of like him. Except fate doesn't look old at all. Just... stone. Soft and stone, like a statue.

I take the book and bring it to him. I stand over his shoulder and set it down next to his work. I catch a glimpse at what he's reading and my stomach immediately sinks. I can't bring myself to look away.

It's a letter from a superior. A briefing. There's talk of famine, war, pain. I understand now why fate is hurting.

"Oh god, fate," I say as I grimace at the news. "Things seem awfully-"

"Grim?" He says, cutting me off for a dumb joke. I've never seen him make a joke before. He looks over his shoulder and up at me. I see a faint smile. I gaze into his golden eyes for too long.

I suddenly realize that my choices are the ones that caused all the chaos. All the pain, it's my fault. I feel ill. I have to steady myself, I feel as though I might faint. I tear myself away from fate's stare and turn my back to the desk leaning against it to keep from falling over.

Fate sees what I've realized. "A reapers conscience is their greatest strength," he says. I can't help but not believe him. How could this weight be strength? All it seems to do is hold me back. He seems to read my mind. "Without a conscience you'd have no restraint, just bloodlust. The world would be chaos."

"But can't you see? The world's already chaos! And I caused it. I should have made better choices, I should have seen the consequences, I should have -"

He stands from his chair and moves in-front of me, then turns to look me in the eye. He slips one of his hands in mine and touches the other to my face. They're warm and soft while still being calloused and strong. Our faces are inches apart.

"You did everything right. It's humanity's nature to fall apart over and over and over again. No god could change that. But I watch you try everyday. You did not cause this, but you will have chances to fix it. I promise you that."

We're still for a moment. I'm frozen in place, unable to move, unable to breathe.

I kiss him.

Only for a couple of seconds. When I pull away he looks mystified, as if this is the first time he's seeing me. Swiftly, all in one motion, he grabs me by my thighs and pushes me further onto the desk, shoving pens and files to the floor, and kisses me with a hunger I've never seen. Like he'd been starved of me for millennia.

I move my hands around his neck and chest and I go to undo his shirt. He helps me undo the buttons, still kissing me, and tears it off revealing his chiseled frame. He's so much stronger than I imagined.

He rips off my shirt and starts kissing my neck, moving further down my chest until he undoes my bra. I moan softly in his ear and I can feel him hold me tighter, tighter. I undo his pants while he slides his fingers under my skirt and grips me. He slips off my underwear and throws it to the floor.

I feel him plunge into me. I feel him everywhere. His heat, his hands, his energy, coursing through me like lightning. His hands are all over me and I feel my heart race. He breathes heavily as he moves faster, and faster, and faster, until it almost hurts. Noises escape my mouth like smoke, seeping out of my lungs, louder and louder. I can feel him deep inside me as my whole body tenses, my muscles contracting with pain and pleasure and I practically yell.

He keeps going and i gasp for air. He grabs my neck, hard this time. just a little tighter and I wouldn't be able to breath. It almost hurts. Almost. He moves his head to rest it on mine a
And stares into me, like he can see everything I've thought about him, all the dreams, all the years. I look back at him and I can almost see... malice?

He goes deeper and I can feel him reach something inside me. I yelp in shock as he keeps going, in and out and in and out. Tears pool in my eyes from just sheer sensation and they fall down my face, my mouth agape.

He keeps groaning softly as I touch his shoulder, his waist, his neck, when I suddenly hear him let out a low, almost growl like noise.
I lean back slightly, feeling weak and he moves his hand from my neck to the small of my back, supporting me. His other hand moves lower. He presses his thumb down and I let out a moan of pure ecstasy. Every nerve in my body lights on fire, every muscle contracts. Pain and euphoria fill me as Fate groans loudly in my ear. I can feel something fill deep within me.

We're still for a moment that feels like forever but somehow not long enough. I hear his breathing in my ear, his hands resting on my waist. My arms are wrapped around his neck, my legs around his hips.

We sit there for a few more seconds until he slowly pulls away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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