The Begining

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I can't tell you how long it's been sense I've felt alive, wanted, loved. Maybe I've just never felt it to began with. It is one of those feelings anyone would have trouble discribing. Completely overwhelming yet so comforting at the same time. It's a strong and powerful feeling. It's a feeling that overtakes the mind, heart, soul and body.

He's not the kind of guy that came to mind when I thought of guys and relationships. At least thats what I thought at first. He is tall, skinny but built, with dark brown hair and a few freckles here and there. He was athletic and popular. He was goalie for our schools soccer team and a good one at that. He's the total opposite of me. I've always thought of being with someone just like me. Dorky, not supper skinny, diffenitly not popular and not athletic. I keep to myself. The whole school isn't up in my business.

But that's the thing. He wasn't the popular stereotype. Society makes populars' seem rude, stuck up and full of it, not overly smart and just plain right better then everybody else. But society has that right. They usually are. But he wasn't. I try to not "judge books by there covers" and I was disappointed in myself because I clearly did.

I misunderstood him. In a way, he's just like me. A misunderstood teenager, trying not to get caught up in the world of sex, drugs, and alcohol. A person who wants to make something out of themselves, go somewhere, be someome. A person that is trying to ignore the voices inside and outside of there heads that tell them day in and day out how worthless, ugly, fat and unwanted they are. Trying...

The day he first talked to me was a day I wouldn't forget. I was in the halls at my locker after fourth period when his girlfriend, Amanda came up to me. I stood there, keeping to myself, trying to get what I needed for the rest of the day. Amanda, along with two other girls came up to me right as I was closing the door of my locker to leave.

"Hey loser, what's up?" She says closing my locker door on my hand as her and the other girls began to laugh.

I try not cry as my hand swells and starts to become a purple and red ish color. Man did it hurt like hell.

"Not going to fight back, huh. Affraid?" She says as she knocks everything in my hands out of them. The other girls continue to laugh but not say a word.

I swear she was about to hit me, punch me, or something like that when he, Caleb, came running from behind me.

"Amanda! Are you serious?!?? Again? I can't believe you!" He speaks as he puts his hand on my shoulder looking at me.

My books were scattered on the floor around me and I just stood there, holding my hand. I felt a tear run down my check. He wiped it away.

"Let me see your hand, beatiful." He speaks up, shaking his head.

"Umm she's the ugliest girl on this planet. I'm the beatiful one." Amanda snickers.

"She's beatiful and right now your pretty ugly." Caleb raises his voice.

"I can't believe you." Says Amanda shaking her head.

"You need to leave." He says. With that, Amanda and her friends leave.

"Oh my god, what did she do to you?" He says once she's gone as I fall to the floor and he follows.

I answer as I start bawling my eyes out. "She slammed the locker door on my hand."

"Don't you worry babe, I'll take care of her but first we need to take care of you."

We get up off the floor and began the rather long walk to the nurses office. He puts his hand around my back, noticing I was cold. Without even saying a word, he takes off his varsity letter jacket and places it on my back, being careful of my swollen hand. This makes me smile.

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