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Bonnie Bennett is the best character in the clusterfuck of a show. She deserved better. Remember, if it wasn't for her yall favs wouldn't be alive.

Elena is selfish, self-centered, lacked morals, and a terrible fucking friend.

Stelena & Delena wack as fuck. But Delena did not deserve a happy ending.

Bonnie and Enzo > every shitty tvd relationship

Klaroline...toxic as fuck

Katherine was a good villain at first and then she got boring and repetitive. She doesn't deserve the title "Queen of Hell".

Stefan settled for Caroline.

Matt served no purpose besides being treated as the second rate punching bag after Bonnie

The men of TVD lack self-respect towards women.

Damon is a sexual predator/ rapist and fucking asshole.

Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah should've killed off half the characters A LONG time ago. IT MAKES NO SENSE HOW THESE MFS KEPT GETTING AWAY WITH SHIT! Like I get it, plot armor but come on! The Mikaelsons looked so fucking weak! It's embarrassing!

Elena and Jeremy should've not been able to kill Kol. And Klaus's reaction? Just standing there like a jackass? Uh, Elijah and Rebekah? NO REACTION?!

Delena deserved each other cause they were both shitty, self-centered people.

These characters were sacrificing too much for Elena. It's sad really.

Both Damon and Stefan should've died.

Klaus and Bonnie would've been unstoppable. Hell, Bonnie with ANY Mikaelson.

Jeremy's hunter storyline was WASTED.

Vampire Caroline > Human Caroline

Katherine > Elena

The Bennett witches never got the respect they deserve. Yet everyone ran to them when they needed help...They were used as magical negroes.

Tyler got the short end of the stick and he had a valid reason for hating Klaus.


KAI WAS A GOOD VILLAIN! That's all i gotta say about him.

Plec and Co were kind of obsessed with Elena's character.

Witches are the most underrated in this show.

Bonnie & Jeremy was wack as fuck..How the fuck you going to cheat with a DAMN GHOST?!

Rebekah deserved better.

In a way, I think Klaus had a psychological hold on his siblings. Especially Elijah and Rebekah.

Lexi deserved to live. Her and Stefan's friendship was cute.

Mason Lockwood didn't have to go out like he did.

The Mikaelson > The Salvatores

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