Chapter 3 - The Apartment

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I scrub my eyes and squint as I look around the room that I seem to be in. This is NOT the nightclub, nor is it my apartment - Selena would be shoving me out of bed right now.

I sit up a little bit, only to fall flat on my back again. My head is killing me. I rub my forehead, and groan in agony.

"Morning, sleepyhead," a low voice says out of nowhere. I turn towards the sound, and find Joe staring at me in amusement. Slowly, memories of the previous night flood back into my brain. The nightclub, all those shots, dancing, the kiss. The kiss!

"Where am I?" I ask dubiously.

"Where are you? Sweetheart, don't you remember anything from last night?" he winks at me.

"Last night? Yeah I do remember, we were at the nightclub, and I got quite dr-"

"VERY, drunk." He walk over to the bed and climbs in next to me.

"Oh my gosh I'm hungover, aren't I? Argh!" I grumble. Joe nods.

"That's why I brought you these." He hands me two pills and a cup of water. Two?

"Why do I need two?"

He points at one. "That's for your head," then the other, "And that's the morning-after pill. I didn't want to take any chances."

"Morning after? Why do I need the-no. NO." I cup my mouth in shock. "JOSEPH FRICKING JONAS DO NOT TELL ME WE HAD WHICH I CAN'T EVEN REME-" I'm cut off by his lips, pressed onto mine. When we finally pull apart, we're both left breathless.

"Are you sure you can't remember last night? Not a single thing?" I shake my head vigorously.

"No! I would've told you if I did!" I sigh as I sit up and swallow my pills, one by one.

"Here, eat this. They say bananas are good for hangovers, don't quite understand how, but never mind." He hands me the banana and exhales heavily.

"It's a shame you can't remember anything. Believe me when I say it was unbelievable." I blush.

"Well I'm glad one of us knows." I smile shyly.

"Well, I'd better go get ready, we've got a big day ahead of us!" He jumps out of bed and begins to walk into the bathroom.

"A big day? Why? What're we doing?" I crane my neck to look at him.

"Oh my gosh, you seriously don't remember! The photo shoot for Vogue? Ring a bell?" He looks at me expectantly.

My eyes widen in horror as I spit out one last word before rushing out of bed and sprinting into the shower.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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