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Olivia was on the verge of losing her mind and it had absolutely nothing to do with her cursed obedience.

No, this was not that. This was much, much worse.

An invasion is what it's called. An unwelcome intrusion into another's domain. Her domain.

It was inevitable. She hardly expected her father to remain single forever after her mother's passing but a part of her had hoped that he could wait until she had moved out. Just one more year and she probably wouldn't have minded. But six years is a long time to be lonely.

Honestly, she probably wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't for who she had decided to wed. Regina Bloody Lockheart. Yes, Lockheart. As in Gilderoy and Georgia Lockheart's mother. Quite possibly the most annoying set of twins Hogwarts has ever had to endure which says a lot considering two years ago, the Prewett twins had graduated.

Georgia Lockheart. Slytherin fifth year with an ego the size of Hogwarts itself. Gilderoy Lockheart. Ravenclaw fifth year with exactly zero brains. No, Olivia was not exaggerating when she said they were the worst twins to ever exist.

And now they were her step siblings.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Olivia was now forced to share a bedroom with the she-devil Georgia. She wasn't sure what was worse: the actual act of sharing the room or watching as the girl plastered moving posters of the same boy all over the room.

Olivia had tried to stop her but then Georgia had said 'Let me put my future husband up' and she didn't have a choice but to back down.

"Who is that?" Olivia asked in curiosity. They admittedly looked familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"The love of my life," Georgia sighed in content as she plastered what Olivia could only hope was the last poster of whoever this boy is. There were far too many to count, varying from what appeared to be an ad for some hair product to Quidditch photos to candid photos that looked to be taken while he wasn't paying attention. Olivia hoped that Georgia hadn't been the one to take them.

"I gathered as much," Olivia rolled her eyes. "I meant, what's his name?"

"You don't know?" she gaped, whirling around on the girl in shock. "How do you not know who James Potter is?" Olivia raised an eyebrow at this but the action seemed to anger the girl, "Answer me!"

Olivia sat up at this, "Because I have better things to do with my time then to think about some stupid boy."

"Stupid?" she shrieked. "He is not stupid. James Potter is the heir to the Sleekeazy beauty line! Heir to the entire Sleekeazy Kingdom!"

"Is he supposed to be a Prince or something?"


Olivia snorted as she stood up, "That's ridiculous." She looked around the room at the images that now covered the walls and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. It took a moment before it registered why he had looked so familiar. James. The boy she had met in Diagon Alley when she was eight.

Well, it was a good thing she sent him away when he was about to get hexed for associating with her. She didn't realize he was an heir to something that was apparently so significant.

"How did you not know who he is?" Georgia demanded. "He's in your year and he's in Gryffindor!"

"He is?" Olivia asked in confusion. She hadn't even known he attended Hogwarts. Surely she wasn't that associated with her Hogwarts classmates.

While most people knew everyone, Olivia tended to avoid everyone except for Lily Evans and occasionally Peter Pettigrew outside of classes. Lily was the only roommate she could tolerate and Olivia had met Peter when she was younger because he was a family friend.

Obedient Heart | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now