chapter 1

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present day

I walked through the familiar, pristine corridor, mentally taking note of the room numbers on the walls, until I came across the correct one; 13.

I opened the annoyingly creaky door slowly, failing miserably at my task; which was to not wake her. Abigail stirred, mumbling something under her breath, as her hazel eyes fluttered open, leaving a single stray eyelash on the top of her cheek.

"Sorry honey," I grimaced, wiping her hair back off her sweaty forehead. She gave me a small smile, before her eyes closed again, exhaustion getting the best of her. It broke my heart to see someone as small as her in this position; hooked up to numerous amounts of drips, needles poking in and out of her. But she never complained. I dimmed the lights and went to my spot in the corner, where I had been living ever since she was diagnosed; a navy blue chair in the corner, which wasn't as comfy as it looked, but it was nothing compared to what Abi was going through.

As I settled into the chair, with a blanket covering me, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out and a smile appeared on my face as I got the usual goodnight text from Liam. It read:

1 more sleep then I'll be with you two. Can't wait, love you endlessly, Li xx

My heart fluttered, 1 more night and we'd finally be together again. I could tell Abi was missing her dad, and I was too; It wasn't the same when he was missing, which he was most of the time. But I did know what I signed up to 5 years ago, and I do not regret a single thing.

I settled back into my chair, and the last thing I remember was the soft pink blanket and I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the original hustle and bustle of the hospital, nurses coming in and out with various notepads, all taking different notes of Abi's condition and documenting her stats, and seeing whether she was making any progress or not. Abi was already awake, crunching on her semi-burnt toast, staring into space. "Morning sweetie," I said, as I sat down on the side of the bed, making sure not to bump her. "Hi mumma," she said, her hazel eyes boring into my plain brown ones. "Guess who's coming home today?!" I said excitedly, pointing to a picture of Liam that Abi insisted was placed on the bedside table beside her. "Daddy?" she said, her eyes widening. I nodded enthusiastically, and excited smile plastered across my face.

He didn't tell me what time he was flying in, he never does, it's his way of keeping it a surprise, even though he spoilts it with his countdowns he always sets on my phone.

"I'm just going to get a quick breakfast, I'll be back soon okay sweetie," I said, pecking her on her forehead, which was very warm. Nurse Winters walked into the room, smiling warmly at the two of us. "Nurse, could you check her temperature, she feels warm and looks a bit peaky," I said, ignoring the obnoxiously loud rumbles of my stomach. She nodded. "You go and get something to eat and I'll take care of this little one," she said, ushering me out of the room.

I sighed worriedly, walking to the familiar cafeteria, the place which had catered my meals for the past couple of months. I went out back to where my meal was already placed, a deal that the chef's had made was to make sure my meals were out back, so I didn't have to pay. Little did they know, I was the one filling up the tip jars daily; But still, the gesture was very kind.

I said at a table in the corner, spreading butter on my toast. I caught a glimpse of my appearance in salt-n-pepper shaker, and I mentally groaned. I have never been "model material", but once upon a time, I used to be decent looking. But now I looked pale, as my skin had not seen the sun in a long time, which was to be expected as we lived in London, but it was desperately graving some vitamin D. And I looked gaunt, as the meals haven't been as filling as I had previously been eating.

I finished my breakfast in a quick manner, and then made my way back to the room, scraping my greasy hair into a messy bun, the "hospital-do" as I liked to call it.

I knocked gently on door 13, and opened it, the familiar creaks of the door responding; loud as ever. I heard Abi giggle, I sound that I have missed as she doesn't have a lot to giggle about lately. I saw a figure leaning over her, in a grey hoodie and jeans, with familiar brown hair.

"Liam!" I said, as he spun around, a big smile on his face. I ran into his familiar arms, his warm embrace comforting. He placed numerous kisses into my hair, his arms tight around my waist. "We've missed you so much," I breathed, looking up at his warm face, which had a smile permanently plastered across it.

"I've missed you too Liv, and my favourite little girl," he said, turning around a giving Abi a tickle. She giggled, swatting his hand away.

This was the sight I lived for. A happy baby and my husband home, where he belongs.

a/n: helloooo! sorry this is actually so bad and soo short, but I'm just trying to set the scene and like explain whats going on kinda. Next chapter will be more exciting, trust me.

The first few chapters though won't be too exciting, but I promise it will get better!! Also this story isn't going to go suuuper slow, but it isn't going to race through either so, I'm estimating at the moment, but probably 30 chapters is most likely going to be the length of the story :)

Vote and Comment please, I'd love to hear feedback on how I can improve my writing and where you think the story is going to go ;)

Love you all, S x

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