Castle of Chaos

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" The world may revolve against thou, even thou are at thy highest. But remember my lass, thou have got the hold of what is evil and what is not. This ideal shall never be faded." Blaise softly speak them, as of which appears they are being chanted indeed.

They both sit under the sheet of stars, gazing the moon. " The moon never stays the same.New moon maybe appears as dark, but it brings new beginnings and as the phases begin we get more close to the execution of them." Blaise stares towards Athelia," Tomorrow is new moon, you shall begin with the new version of yourself too."

Athelia shrugs as if more unclear about Blaise's reasoning," Thou thinking of sending me to the castle?All alone?" 

" Beatrice will need thou more that i do now, And i believe thou have learnt a lot. There's no more i can teach thou, perhaps you will come home every night." Blaise reassures her, but this is not up to what Athelia is convinced. But the trust on her beloved mother, was more stronger than these petty doubts.

She clutches her mother, tightly into her arms as she feels the warm embrace.

The next morning, Beatrice was much better of what she has been. Wearing  a pair of Blaise's clothing her hair is tied into a braid. And Athelia keeps the cloak attached to her body, despising to leave it.

" Here, thou both can easily travel back to palace." Blaise hands down some pennies. " I will not let any single thing harm her." She whispers into Blaise's ear as she wraps her in her arms.

Athelia was quite, unconventionally showing her revolt. " Oh my sweetest of all lasses, thou no hug me?" She hugs her frowning, as Blaise kisses her forehead.


" Athelia, i promise you will really start to like in there." As the horseman carries them towards the palace. " I hope the same high lady." She sighs smliling.

" And don't you worry, I'll be there as your personal counselor." She laughs, But Athelia had her own plans, to escape.

She has to remember the path back home, so she consecutive maple tress with some bushes of mountain laurels.

The sky begins to appear gloomy again. ' Is this a sign to run away.' Athelia rests her face on her clasped shoulders across her knees.

Reaching, they move inside of the huge castle, more of a peninsula surrounded by water bodies on the three sides. It sent Athelia to the extent she has started admiring the beauty, the mauve colored castle with canopies all around it makes it so unbelievable.

" I had no idea, The serenities would be admirer of nature." Athelia is in awe.

" They were not actually, this all just started 22 years ago." Beatrice happily renounces the matter.

And they move into the palace, welcomed by armed soldiers. Her eyes move all around the place which is marbled structured, and some entities drawn in arch shaped glasses around.

But a stinging voice stops them," Where were you spending the whole time, and what awful attire you are in, High lady." It was nothing that Athelia should be handling but a sudden spurt of rage crossed her veins as she pulled out some really banished language into the castle premises.

" I hope you are really very aware of how she was almost to the extent of facing death, she was shot by an arrow and it deeply wounded." The facial expression of the man turns blue as she continue, " But it seems that you despite her life over her safety!" 

Beatrice petrified," Oh no Athelia! This is not the way you should be talking to the serenities. He is the KING."

Perhaps the statement does not undermine the revolting nature of Athelia," He may ne the king indeed, but you are the queen who deserves to be treated equally."

Beatrice sensing the rage knows what comes into a roar next," HOW YOU PETTY CREATURE DESPISE YOUR OWN KING , you'll be punished for your act."

Beatrice lays on the feet of king, as she requests for pardon. " Not unless this girl pardon herself." She stares towards Beatrice who is downgrading her pride to save Athelia. She bows her head to him, " Beg and fall on my feet." 

" Please Ewan..." Beatrice corrects her, " King, please. This time let her go, you can do anything to me if something like this repeated." 

" Don't you stand against me, you mere creature." And stares at Athelia, She resistantly leans, as she touches his malicious skin. " You better behave, and as your punishment you will be in charge of mopping the whole palace."

Bowing she replies, with no hesitation in her eyes," With obligation." With a grimace the kings sends off.

" Try not to repeat." Beatrice slams her head. And do not worry, you are not here for doing chores. I'll manage that." 

Athelia nods in disagree, " It's nothinpg for me Beatrice. I will not back out." Beatrice smiles, caressing her hair.

And they move inside," Thank you for helping me."

" It is nothing for me Athelia." She winks.

Athelia was given a pair of dark lilac gowns, the colors were intimidating to her, but she hardly had any clue of what she will face in this palace.

" Was not I supposed to take care of you, High Lady." Athelia peered towards Beatrice.

Wearing her crimson red necklace Beatrice settles on her bed, and reluctantly tilts her head facing Athelia," You see, we have shortage of healers in our palace. And your healing ability would be an elixir to our kingdom."

Athelia is endowed into the senses where she will be forced into saving Prince Darren, but end up killing him. The same way she killed a boozy man at an age of mere 12, the day she went through rage where she felt the presence of vengeance and agony. 

With a  shudder on my shoulders, High lady beckons my attention towards the event succeeding us.  " And maybe you will be taught the magic of CHAOS." She finishes the sentence quickly and leave the room. 

" But thy fine? How is the neck?" Before Athelia's voice could reckon her steps downwards, she has already moved a lot far.

Athelia's gown was being an unbearable thing for her, as the sophisticated look made it difficult for her to move, even a single inch.

And roaring downstairs she seeks no view of anything, and in the midst of the gallery she runs over a person who seems to bear an armor, and drenched in sweat of blood rush agony.

" Would thou mind seeing where thou step." But instantly regrets her raspy behavior. Her head turns around to see a warrior facing back, collecting his sword and shield. Taken aback by the uncivil behavior, she adhered her gown and begin to stand,

" What an vile act, but still you will receive a help, because I just slaughtered the bodies of all those riot uprisers." He says with a glorious grin across his face.

Athelia sees the despiteful man, yet beautiful. With Scarlett hair and marbled gaze he was enough beautiful for someone to fall into his laps.
But she shoves off his question, but the warrior seems to be persistent. He holds her wrist, firmly yet carefully...
" It's not your home, lass." He whispers cold words into her ears, which sends shiver down Athelia's bone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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