♡︎𝙳𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊♡︎

797 13 24

We got to Mrs. Grace house and when we went to the back Darnell had prepared a whole feast. He had smiled as he handed me a shrimp cocktail.

"Someone take a picture, before Spencer ruins it" Darnell demanded
"I- shut up" Spencer took a picture
"Alright now ya'll can eat" Darnell smiled
I grabbed Jordan's hand and walked over to a table of fruit.
"What's up?" He ate a mango
"What will my parents think" I look at him
"It doesn't matter" He shrugged

"It does, Jordan I want our kids to have a healthy relationship with all family" I pushed him
"Kids" He choked on a watermelon
"Not now, we're only 17" I grabbed a strawberry
"Oh" He sighed in relief
"So, what are we gonna do for our honeymoon" I smiled
"Ew, I hate that word" He rolled his eyes
"Still, what are we gonna do" I push him a little
"I don't wanna go out of state, can we just go to Palm Springs for a week"He asked me
"Same, sure I'll look for a hotel for us to stay at" I kissed him

JJ came up to us, since Ms. Grace asked us to come up to her.
"Ma'am" Jordan asked
"Ya'll are married, oh gosh do ya'll have any videos" She held back tears
"Yeah, Spencer has the videos

We watched the videos and had a good time, and were about to leave until my mom came in

"Constance Helena Cater" She yelled
"Ma'am" I whispered
"Babe, calm down" My momma tried to calm my mom
"Why are you here with him" She asked
"She's with her husband" Billy defended me
"No she's going with her mom" My mom tried to pull but Laura pulled me instead
"I said she's going with her mom" My mom repeated herself
"Jordan is my child, they're married there for she is my daughter in law " Laura protested

"Married?" My mom looked at Jordan and I as I showed her our rings
"You got married behind my back" She yelled I hated being yelled at and she knew it, not because I was sensitive but because it made me mad and my instant reflex would be to hit her and everyone knew it.
"You didn't except but I realized I shouldn't care" I said
"Constance Helena Carter, take that ring off and go home" My mom ordered
"No, and it's Constance Helena Baker" I stood up for myself
"Baker!?" She yelled
"Stop yelling!" I screamed

"Mom, stop yelling now" Patience defended me
"Ms. Richards, you know that Constance first reflex would be to hit" Camden reminded her
"Really, hit me" She threatened put her face into mine
"Mom get out of my face" I said through my teeth
"Nah, hit me" She said again
"Alright leave her alone" Laura stood in front of Jordan and I
"Oh, you her mama now" My mom laughed sarcastically
"I'm her mother in law, I didn't birth her but, I damn sure will protect this girl with my life" Laura yelled

"Alright, Malinda this is out of hand" My momma tried to stop her
"What happened to your hair, look dumb as fuck" She laughed (mom)
"She likes it that all that matters" Ms. Grace stepped in
"Momma stop her" I breathe
"Mal, chill out" My momma tried to stop her again
My mom continued to threaten me until she started coming for the Bakers

"Alright Billy, making your son get depression, Mrs. I'm white and I'm proud, oh and I can't forget about you druggie" She said to Billy, Laura, and Olivia
"Ok, ma'am don't say that" Jordan stepped in
"Oh and you, you a man how'd you get raped" She said Jordan immediately making him quiet and me mad

Anger boiled up in my body and I punched her. I punched my mom. Was it a bad idea. Yes. Do I regret it. No. I immediately clapped my hand over my mouth and said sorry.

"Baby, it's alright" My momma said
"No, no it's not Amara" My mom stood up
"I'm so, sorry" I apologize
"You really hitting on your own mom now, okay go love with this broken family, see if I give a shit" She wiped blood off her nose. I began to cry of anger

"That's your fault you did this to yourself" I yelled
"For wanting my child back" She yelled at me
"No, for trying to run your child's life, mom I'm almost an adult I don't want you to run my life" I truthfully said
"Your my child I do what I want" She shot back
"Ok, I think it's time you leave" Grace kicked my mom out
"Y'know what fuck all ya'll" My mom left
My other mom came back inside "I'm sorry babies I dont know what's wrong with her" She then hugged Patience and I

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