The Letter

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I yawn and sit up in my bed. Today is the day I find out if I got called to the audition.

Last week I sent in my application for a new band starting up, SkyBreakers. They already have a drummer, a pianist, and a bass guitar. The only positions they still have to fill are the singer and the lead guitarist. I'm hoping to fill both.

"Mom!" I yell.

"What?" I hear Mom yell back.

"Is the mail here yet?" I ask, getting out of bed.

"You can go check the mailbox," Mom suggests, opening my door so we can talk better.

"Alright," I respond.

Mom leaves my room, closing the door behind her. I walk over to my dresser and grab some cloths; I picked out an anime T-shirt, a black long-sleeved shirt for underneath and ripped jeans. I put on all my cloths and leave my room, heading for the bathroom. I finish getting ready in here by brushing my teeth, hair, and adjusting my shirt so my right side is tucked in my my left side is not.

Now ready for the day, I head for the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I see my mom reading a book at the table and decide not to say anything so as to not bother her while she is reading. Looking over to my left, I see (and smell) the coffee pot brewing my mom some coffee.

I grab an apple from the bowl of fruit on the counter and start eating it. As I eat, I also grab myself a mug and pour some coffee into it.

"Don't take too much coffee," Mom says after she notices me taking some.

"I on't" I say with a mouthful of apple.

"Swallow before you talk," Mom says, sighing.

I swallow the apple I had been chewing when I spoke.

"I said I won't," I say, adding creamer to my coffee.

"Good, you know I cannot function without caffeine in the morning," She states.

"Yeah, I know, I know," I say.

"Going somewhere today?" Mom asks as I sip my coffee.

"Yupp," I say. "Where depends on what's in my letter though."

"Fair enough," Mom shrugs.

"Alright," I say, "I cannot take the anticipation anymore, I'm going to check the mail."

So I throw my apple core into the trash and walk out to the mailbox, still holding my mug. There aren't many letters in the mailbox so it doesn't take too long of flipping through the mail to find a letter with my name on it. I take a deep breath and take all the mail inside, my letter sitting on top.

Once I'm inside, I put my mug on the table and drop all the mail, except my letter, on the table in front of Mom.

This is it.

This is when I find out if I can audition or not.

I rip open the envelope and unfold the letter they sent me. I don't get why they didn't just send it through email but whatever. Maybe if I get to audition I can ask them.

The letter reads:

"Dear Kai Lanchester,

We are happy to tell you that you have been chosen as one of the people who can come audition for SkyBreakers.

Auditions will be held at 7784 Milkroad. Your audition is set for 2:30-2:45 PM on Thursday the 22nd. We expect you to bring your own instruments and be prepared to sing an ORIGINAL song of yours.


            SkyBreakers XOXO"

"Well, what does it say?" Mom asks.

"I-I got accepted!" I exclaim.

"That's fantastic!" Mom yells.

I can feel the excitement bubbling up inside my stomach, just waiting to explode.

With out another word I run out of the house and get in my car.

Just as I had told mom, where I was going depended on this letter. And this letter means I'm going to get a new guitar.

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