you're strong ballerina (you are strong)

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Vanessa was pissed. Actually, she was beyond pissed. She couldn't believe that Alya had done that, that she had trusted the blonde like that only to get betrayed. God, what was it with blonde haired people and betraying her, she wondered.

"V! Wait!" Vanessa shook her head. "Don't call me that." She grumbled, hobbling away with her crutches. Alya ran ahead of her and stopped her with an arm in front of her. "Look, I'm sorry. I messed up and I shouldn't have used your personal life in the song, but we got a really good grade!"

Vanessa stared at her. Was she serious? She couldn't be. No way in hell. She shook her head again, tears pricking in her eyes. "I told you about my feelings for Beckett because I thought I could trust you! I was wrong though."

"No you weren't Vanessa." Vanessa glared at her. "You took my personal life and turned it into a song Alya! Beckett hates me now!"

Alya looked away from her and Vanessa sighed. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Next time, mind your business. Not everyone wants to be the subject of your betrayal."

She stormed off as fast she could, tears now falling down her face as she sobbed. She really couldn't trust anyone, could she? 

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