Chapter 6

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When Newt Walked cautiously toward breakfast the next morning his eyes immediately sought out the familiar redhead just like he had done every day for the past few weeks. this time however he kept his eyes locked on the girl. she sat across from Alby and Gally laughing and chatting as she ate, and Newt felt his heart flutter. he could still feel her smooth lips against his, her little hands grabbing at his sleeves to steady her wobbly legs. he could still feel her breath against his face and see the way her eyes had widened in surprise when he had pulled back, his hands still stroking her smooth cheeks. Newt barely noticed Frypan as he grabbed his plate of eggs before heading over to the table. What would Fawn act like after yesterday? Would she smile and be brave or be her usual self and blush shyly. Newt was reviewing all the possibilities when he approached the table and heard what they had been talking about.

"I wonder if perhaps you remember Drake because it was a mistake on WICKED's part." Gally suggested.

Fawn shrugged. "I don't know. I mean out of the 36 people who have been sent here in the past three years none of you had a glitch. Maybe it has to do with my female brain?"

"Possibly." Alby agreed. "perhaps WICKED haven't done this on a girl before and misinterpreted your ability to remember."

"What do you remember about Drake?" Gally asked genuinely curious.

Fawn pursed her lips in thought. "he had thick dark hair... I know it sounds strange that me, blind, can remember that but it's like I knew him before I was blind."

"What color eyes did he have?" Alby asked.

"blue," Anna replied fondly. "deep blue eyes."

Newt had heard enough and slammed his plate down so hard that Fawn jumped before storming off. Fawn watched him go with a confused look upon her face listening to the way his feet slammed into the earth.

"what is wrong with Newt?" Fawn asked.

Alby smirked knowing full well why Newt had acted like that. "I think you should go talk to him Spitfire."

Fawn nodded before carefully following the sound of newt's retreating steps. When she finally got within hearing distance of him, he had stormed into the Woods and was walking fast.

"Newt! Wait!" She called.

Newt did not oblige until Fawn called his name again and he stopped. Fawn leant back against a nearby tree to catch her breath. Who knew Newt could walk so fast.

"What did I do? It was something I said that upset you wasn't it?" The girl stated.

"I spent all last night thinking about what had happened in the homestead yesterday and I came to breakfast... And all I hear you talking about is this Drake guy with his thick dark hair and deep blue eyes and... I just ..." Newt stammered out.

Fawn's eyes widened. "Newt ...were you ...."

"jealous?" Newt asked walking to stand in front of the girl. "Yes, I was bloody jealous of a guy I never met because the girl I am in love with can remember him even if she cannot remember her own name!"

Newt would have ranted longer if Fawn had wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his head down until their lips met in a flurry of lips, tongue and teeth. Newt was startled but immediately reciprocated the kiss, wrapping one hand into her hair while the other gripped her back close to the curve of her buttocks. When Fawn's fingers wove into Newt's thick locks and pulled the boy growled against her lips and pulled her closer till she was flushed between him and the rough bark of the tree. Fawn let out a little whimper when Newt's hand in her hair traveled down and stroked her hip, igniting a burn in her belly. Fawn drew away and Newt chased her lips for one more kiss before he grinned down at her.

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