Full Moon

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Full Moon

By: tash07

A silver moon adorns the sky tonight.

Its rays wash the trees,

enrobing them in cloaks of light.

Their branches grasp at the night air,

beckoning to passersby.

Their canopies shroud them,

 embellishing them in fine lace clothing.

A gently wind sings and whistles through the air,

stirring the atmosphere.

Crows caw and fly away.

Enveloping loners in despair.

Rusted gates swing and

Cry out in vain.

In an instant

Huge pregnant clouds

grace the night’s sky.

In their path everything


Darkness claims

the silvery light.

Its tendrils wrap and drag by

capturing the World,

Placing a cloak of darkness

Like a candle that has been snuffed out

For a moment a light descends.

It pierces the clouds,

and continues on,

delving into the ground,

Into the world that it surrounds.

The moon peeks out once more,

Its gaze penetrating

the darkened veil

The light has graced the ground once more.

As it glows

It extends

Captivating everything.

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