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❝We will have to show the Emperor his dear concubine under another man. But for now, let's go back. ❞Xu Yang said leaving the brothel.

❝Yes, miss. ❞Jiang Meng said and followed Xu Yang back to her Palace.

He couldn't help but feel worried for his miss. He knew now that the trash Emperor didn't treat his miss well. How can such man exist? Miss Xu Yang was beautiful, the most beautiful woman this empire will ever see, smart, kind to everyone, her smile could melt hearts and stop misfortune and that bastard treat her cold as if she is one of the officials, not his wife.

The next day, Xu Yang was serving tea with the other three concubines in her garden.Du Ki, Xen Jiang and Lu Xiao came early in the morning to greet Xu Yang and chat together.

❝His majesty is still favoring Mu Jong. Don't you think it's unfair?❞ Du Ki asked sipping her tea.

❝Yes, yes! How can he only give her attention? Doesn't he think about the rest of us?❞ Lu Xiao asked irritated.

❝That is the fate of a concubine I assume... forgotten in a corner of this Palace.❞ Xen Jiang said looking at the view  with a melancholic look on her face and a sad smile.

Hearing those words, Xu Yang remembered her past life, how she was forgotten in a corner until they needed a black sheep to blame a sin upon and kill. Her face darkened for a moment.

❝Last nigh, I went to visit Imperial Concubine Jong and the maid told me she was sick and couldn't leave her bed.❞ concubine Ki said.

❝Sick? But I saw her this morning, she looked just fine to me. ❞concubine Jiang replied.

The two looked at each other and gasped at the same time.

❝Do you think she was lying?❞ Concubine Ki asked concubine Jiang.

❝It may be, but why? To get attention?❞concubine Jiang asked trying to think.

❝Maybe to hide something.❞ Xu Yang finally said something.

The three woman looked at the Empress with curious looks on their faces.

❝Do you know anything, your highness?❞ concubine Jiang asked with a smile on her face.

❝Not really, but last night I was taking a stroll on the Palace grounds as I couldn't sleep, and saw Imperial Concubine Jong and her maid walking towards the gates.❞ Xu Yang said drinking from her tea cup.

The three woman looked at each other wide eyed. Having the other concubines suspect Mu Jong and keep an eye on her would be beneficial. If they learn the truth and start the fire it would make Xu Yang's work easier.

❝She left the Palace last night? That's why her maids told me she was sick and bound to bed.❞ concubine Ki exclaimed with a shocked expression.

❝Yes, that must be it. But to where? If his majesty learns about this he wouldn't be too happy. ❞concubine Jiang said.

❝Why would she leave in the night other than to do something bad? ❞concubine Xiao asked, with a look of disgust, directed at Mu Jong.

❝Let's keep an eye on her and see what she's doing.❞ concubine Ki suggested.

The other two agreed and then looked at Xu Yang.

❝I will keep and eye on her too.❞ Xu Yang said nodding her head.

The concubines excused themselves and left each to her Palace. Even if they agree that Mu Jong needs to dissappear, they know they are still enemies in here. Each will use the information they receive on their own advantage.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now