The Bar (Part 1)

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It was at night and the bar was getting wild and insane, people were celebrating and people were fighting and people getting kick out from the bar,a man riding his motorcycle stop at the bar and part his bike,3 thugs try to rob and steal his bike

Thug 1: Stop right there you little bitch!

Thug 2: Give us your fucking money

Thug 3: and your bike as well

The man cracks his knuckles and beats them up and throw one thug into a trash can and the other one to the window and the other one into the car window

Man: Pointless *walks away*

The man walks into the bar and looks around

Man: ha looks like everybody is having a good time,I wonder why? *The man walks to the front of the bar table and sit*

A woman walks approach him and ask

Woman: Hello my name is Tifa Lockhart what kind of drink would you like

A man give also give his name as well

Man: well I'm Jin Kazama and I would like a basic alcohol

Tifa: not into other type of beers huh? Alright I will bring one *goes and brings him a beer* anything else sir?

Jin: I'll let you if I need anything

Tifa: Of course sir *walks away*

Jin: *drinks his beer*

A bunch of guys walks up to a girl and was gripping her

Woman: H--hey stop that

Man: oh come on baby~ I wanna have fun with you sexy girl *pulls her more*

Woman: Let go of me

Jin gets up and walks up to the man

Jin: hey

The man and the woman look at him

Jin: she's not interested to you,you should let her go and walk away

Man: huh... You got balls there buddy? *Grabs his shirt*why you mind your business and shut the fuck up--

Jin: *electric punch his cheek and send him flying to the wall*

Man: *land onto the ground and was unconscious*

Jin: are you ok ma'am?

Woman: yeah thank but...

Jin: but what?

Man 2: But me *throws a punch at him*

Jin: *block his fist*

Man 2: *his knuckles breaks* AHHHH!!! AHHHH!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!

Jin: you know,you shouldn't touch or gropping on a female like that,that is call sexual harassing. Pay close a attention, I'll let you guys go if you listen what I have to say,1 apologise to this woman right now 2 don't ever speak too her ever again 3 never do that ever again or be a little bitch and take me on right now

Man 3: Screw that I say YOUR A DEAD MAN *runs towards him with a knife*

Jin: Very well.. *the camera was zoom too his eyes* be that way

Another man walks behind him and try to hold him so the man can stab Jin

Jin: *sense another person from behind and Jin rush fast and grabs another man and push him to the other guy and the guy stabs the other guy*

Man 4: *coughs blood*

Man 3: Oh fuck!!

Jin: *grab the guy with the knife and snap his neck*

Man 3: *eyes widen and was paralyzed*

Man 2: GET HIM!!!

*all of his men rush at Jin and then Jin create a Shockwave and punch them out of the bar and the men bodies were snap*

Jin: You're a joke

Woman: thank you so much mister! You save my life!

Jin: anytime

Tifa: *watches him and was so impressed* 

Tifa mind: wow,that was so impressed of him and also so thoughtful for him to do,saving the girl from those men

The Devil Meets The Bar hostess AVALANCHE member (Jin Kazama x Tifa Lockhart)Where stories live. Discover now