Shutter Shock

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            I let out a startled scream as I fly up into a sitting position, immediately getting dizzy as the blood rushes to my head, and I need to support my head on my hands to keep from passing out. "Why... does it feel like I'm waking up over and over again..." I mutter under my breath. I slowly glance to the side of me, fully expecting to see somebody in the bed with me, but it was nothing but blankets. There is no one else here but me. The blankets are pearly white, covered with heavy and superbly elegant embroidering in a dull gold color. The weight of this thick piece of cloth holds down the lower half of my body that is enveloped by the luxurious item.

       Shocked, I glance around, only to notice the bed that I am lying on is enormous. A King, no, even larger than a king; the bed is oval-shaped at the foot, a rather large column on each "corner" of the bed that seems to be hooked to the headboard, sideboards, and footboard. Each piece of the bed's frame was carved into heavenly, smoothened shapes and curves, almost something you would think to see in marble sculptures or ancient Greece architecture. Painted a faint, faded golden tone, it gleams from behind the curtain draped along the canopy poles connecting the top of the columns. The curtain, cream in color, is also embroidered with golden flakey leaves and vines weaving up, down, and around the translucent, silky fabric.

       My eyes trailing up, the even more extravagant ceiling catches my wandering sight; it must have been painted by a master. An entire story being told on the tiles of the roof, every section becoming different pieces of the life of a doomed woman fated to lose the love of her life. It almost makes me cry, seeing this scene when I wake up; what kind of maniac would put this type of art above a bed?

       De ja vu, the room beyond my bed is darkened, and little light leaks through the window on the opposite side of the room. It is relatively large, sparsely decorated with luxurious furniture and furnishings, vases and paintings, dressers, vanities, chairs, and couches... it's hardly a bedroom at all! I can't see much, but maybe sparse is not the proper word to describe what I see before me.

       This... isn't Zero's home anymore, is it? I must be somewhere completely different now. Did he kick me out? Tell Sterlo to remove me from his sight and his home? Was my act unforgivable?

       Why does this thought sting my chest?

       "I must be in Sterlo's home... sigh...." My voice cracks, and I shake my head in disbelief. What did this man do to my unconscious body? I can see that he changed my clothes...

       For some reason, I raise my hand to my throat for confirmation. Fogginess in my brain, an unconscious sense is telling me that something really did happen. My fingers tentatively clutch onto a cold, hard, thick hunk of metal. A soft cry leaks from between my lips, my fingers lightly tracing the metal to the back of my throat. A collar...

       Why am I wearing a collar... the collar? He didn't... did he? While he... had me under...?

       I jump out of bed, stumbling as soon as my feet hit the ground. I catch my footing quickly and run to the door, flinging open the door as soon as my fingers manage to grasp and turn the knob, only to be confronted by a certain man on the other side. He lets out a slight shout as he takes a reflective step back to avoid the collision, a tray being held cautiously in his hands covered with plates of food and drink that he no doubt made for me. My crazed eyes on him, my hand still clutching the knob, I make a start to yell but swallow the words. His smell...

       I inhale deeply through my mouth, tasting his scent but managing to keep a hold of my thoughts as I finally open to speak before I can no longer do so. "What have you done?" I croak out, being washed by the dizziness and sickly-sweet aroma. I catch Sterlo tilting his head to the side in confusion, his hand coming from under the tray to wave through the air... and a snap rings out.

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