ch.5//If You Love Her

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Jays POV:

*The next few chapters will contain songs, so if you have a music streaming app, prepare it >:)*

"The damn thing started three hours ago man, she's not coming." I sighed and placed my elbow onto the bar, leaning my head into my hand.

"Hey man, Rojas said she'd be here, I've seen her dress, maybe they're coming together?" Adam shrugged his shoulders,

"Gotta hot date, Halstead?" Kelly Severide walked up behind me, his arm wrapped around Stella's waist, who wore a dark maroon gown.

"Somethin' like that" I exclaimed, looking down at my watch. The upbeat music had suddenly stopped, causing everyone to turn to the DJ.

****For the full experience, play If You Love Her By Forest Blakk while reading, it makes it so much more fun and helps create a visual picture, i recommend it. Start it now***

"Take it, If she gives you her heart don't you break it,"

"Slow dance time, but she'll show, Jay, trust her." Kelly had said as he, Stella, Kim, and Adam had made their way to the dance floor. I still stood there, waiting.

"Please, Hailey."

"She always has trouble falling asleep, and she likes to cuddle while under the sheets,"

I have heard this song before. It was the day before the UC apartment incident, we'd just finished McDonalds burgers at 2am after busting a drug mule ring. We were sleep deprived and delirious and as the lyrics sank in, it sounded as if he was describing Hailey.

"She loves love notes and babies, and likes giving gifts. Has a hard time accepting a good compliment" 

And as if on queue, I looked up and there she was standing at the top of the grand staircase.

  "-And all of her friends, so if you're the one she lets in," 

One step at a time she made her way down the stairs, once she reached the middle, her eyes met mine.

"Take it, if she gives you her heart dont you break it," 

She made her way down the stairs quicker now, but never breaking eye contact with me. She reached the floor, running over to me. Hailey grabbed my hand and ran to the dance floor, dragging me behind. Her deep royal blue dress flowed behind her, the corset extenuating her waist, and the fake-diamond studded hair piece just made every inch of her stand out.

"-On days when it feels like the whole world might cave in, stand side by side and you'll make it, she's the best thing that you'll ever have,"

We were in the middle of the dance floor now,

"If you love her like-" 

She kissed me. Everyone was staring but it was as if they already knew we were in love.

"You said you wanted everyone to know, well, now they do." She wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her head in my shoulder. I had placed my arms around her waist and we had seemingly begun to dance, as if it was an instinct.

"And when she doesn't notice how pretty she is, tell her over and over so she never forgets. Take it, If she gives you her heart don't you break it," 

Our feet were moving in sync, to the side to the back, to the side to the front and to the side again. Her dress swayed with every movement. 

"She'll love you if you love her on days when-" 

I noticed her eyes were closed, but with that a single tear stained her cheek, I ran my hand through her hair,

"You okay?" I questioned, our choreography staying in tact,

"I love you." She quickly looked up at me.

"She's the best thing that you'll ever have," 

I took her hand and spun her before dipping her and planting a kiss on her glossed lips, 

"If you love her like that."

The main chorus of the song ended and the dancing became easier. Her movements were graceful, much more so then when she's chasing a criminal, but she was still gorgeous nonetheless. The song had begun to repeat the same words, "if you love her." I did love her, more than I loved my job and dare I say myself. Our eyes were locked, dancing in a square motion, identical to the other handful of couples left on the dance floor. Her hair bounced with every step, and as her head turned every once in a while, the corners of her mouth would pull up into a sad, "i'm way too sober to still be here" smile. With a few more missteps and giggles, the songs chorus had picked up again. As the words flowed slower through the speaker, she held onto me tighter. I pried her left hand off my neck and took it in my right, using my left hand to place her remaining arm around my waist before placing my own around hers. We moved back and forth slowly in a rhythm, I didn't want this to end. 

"If you love her like that." 

and then it was over, We stayed in that position for maybe a minute. Her and me, our hands interlocked in public, as one. But almost immediately after, Hailey started to question,

"Can we get outta here?"

"Babe you literally just got here."

"Yeah but you aren't in heels and a corset, it's killing me."

"Fine, but we have to say hello to Voight first so he doesn't think we blew him off."

"Fine." She looked at me with puppy dog eyes, begging for me to let her go. I dragged her behind me instead, approaching the bar and Voight, who was talking aggressively to Wallace Boden.

"Hey, Voight." I placed my hand on his shoulder

"Halstead, Hailey." He looked us both up and down, as if he was looking for a sign that we had been up to something other  than dancing, talking, and drinking. "Enjoying yourselves?"

"Yes sarge, and good evening chief."

"Evening Halstead," Boden responded before turning and walking away from the bar toward Donna who could be seen in the distance. Matt and Gabby gave a friendly wave as my eyes met theirs after following the fire chief off.

"Well, we just wanted to check in and say hi,"

"Well then hello, now you're young, go out and enjoy yourselves, I'll buy you a drink," he exclaimed, obviously a little bit drunk due to his erratic arm gestures and enthusiasm.

"No that's-" Hailey stuttered, pulling my arm.

"I insist." He bought us both a beer and then next thing I know we are 3 bottles deep and tipsy. I could tell the bartender was about to cut us off as our dramatic laughs and conversations filled the air. We had talked to almost every cop, firefighter, and occasional nurse or doctor that walked up to that bar, unable to feel the guilt because of our impending intoxication. Hailey was wobbling in her heels but had then grabbed my hand to steady herself before stepping backward, straightening out our arms and locking our elbows.

"The UC apartment is a block away, let's go for a run" Her icy blue eyes were locked onto mine, her body turned toward the door. She looked like she was ready to take off in a sprint. The two of us were on the verge of full on drunk, but her adrenaline fueled stare had never made me feel more sober.


guys upstead ballroom dancing i'm so proud of myself. writing this made me cry idek why but it's obviously an issue. I was so looking forward to posting this chapter so i'm so excited to share it hehehe
luv, meg

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