Brewing Magic

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Hey everyone! I teamed up with Wattpad and Tim Hortons to create a #TimsColdBrewStories story, inspired by Tim Hortons new smooth and velvety Cold Brew beverage! Tap into your imagination and enter the writing contest by June 8th at 11:59pm. You can find the #TimsColdBrewStories contest here or the @TimHortons profile. 


Be there soon, his text says, and as always it makes me smile. I've been dating Caleb for six months now and I've never connected with anyone the way I do with him. It makes me happy, but also a little scared, because today I plan to tell him my secret. And though he's a sweetheart, there's a high chance he could freak right out. I know I might if the tables were turned.

I take a deep calming breath, getting a good whiff of sugary-sweet Timbits and strong coffee. Once a week we do a coffee date after Uni classes at the fancy Tim Hortons on Main. It has two floors and big glass windows. I drum my fingers on the table, getting antsy.

You know how people say they can't function without their morning coffee? For me that's true in more ways than one. That's the way it is for all magickers. The strength of our magic directly correlates to the amount of caffeine in our system. I don't know what will be more unbelievable to Caleb, that I can do magic, or that I can only do magic after gulping down a Double Double coffee.

When Caleb does turn up he's already holding two plastic cups of something that looks creamy and delicious. He pecks me on the cheek, hands me one and sits across from me.

"What's this?"

"It's a vanilla cold brew. I'm addicted to these things."

I take a sip. The coffee's strong but sweet and creamy with a nice vanilla flavour, and refreshingly cold against the summer heat. I sigh.

"See? Good, right?"

I wrap my hands around the cup. "Cal?"


"There's something I need to tell you..."

Just then there's a commotion.

"This still isn't what I ordered!"

A woman's yelling at the cashier, a teen boy who looks uncomfortable.

"You said you wanted two creams..."

"This is more than two! I can tell!"

I focus and use my magic to see what's in the woman's heart. She hasn't slept in weeks. Her new baby is sick and she spends all day and night at the hospital. This is a rare break away to grab some coffee to help her stay awake while the doctors run tests.

She needs peace. I gulp some coffee and gather my magic, warm in my chest. I'm about to do a soothing spell, when I feel the signature tingle of another magicker. The woman calms down, apologizes and takes a seat, gazing out the big widows at the flowers outside.

I stare, shocked, at Caleb, then grin ear to ear. No wonder we get along so well.

"That was you, wasn't it?" I whisper.

For a second he looks confused, like he's about to deny it, but I pull up my sleeve and release the illusion hiding my magicker tattoo. His eyes go wide.

"You're also a..."

I nod and take his hand

'Let's talk."

Brewing MagicWhere stories live. Discover now