MY BODYGUARD chapter 15

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I wake up at 9, warm and cosy, both of us still fully clothed from the night before. Tom is laying asleep still next to me; he looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake him but I suddenly feel an urge to sneeze. Shit.

Y: Achoo!

Tom bolts up and makes fists with his hands, I can't help but laugh.

Y: Sorry... I tried so hard to keep it in.

T: You scared the crap out of me!

Y: I said I'm sorry!

T: Argh... It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.

He flips me on to my back and leaves a little kiss on my lips before crawling out of the bed and stretching his arms up. He adjusts his trousers as I give him a sad look. He notices me staring and frowns.

T: What?

Y: Where are you goingggg? I'm cold now.

T: I have to leave before Harrison or any of the men notice that I spent the night here. God knows that half of them are snitches. Harrison would just be mad.

Y: Ugh, fine. You're right, I just hate having to keep this a secret though. I wish things where different.

Tom sighs and looks down before walking to stand next to the bed. I crawl to the side he is standing, and sit up on my knees so I am at the height of his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck, playing with his fluffy curls.

T: One day, I'm going to take you away from all of this. But I have to get something done first.

Y: What is it?

T: I can't say, I'm sorry.

Y: Tom. You can trust me. Whatever it is, I'll stand by you.

T: You don't understand. I really can't.

Y: Fine, take your time. I'll be here to help if you need me.

T: Thank you Y/N. I appreciate that. But what I have to do... I don't want you to be involved in it.

I frown confused, but I eventually nod my head understandingly. He strokes my cheek with his thumbs before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

T: Ok. I have to go. I'll see you on the other side, comrade.

He salutes me with a silly face and I snort with laughter, covering my mouth as I do so. He just chuckles at me and walks out of the room, leaving me beaming with happiness.


I finish having a shower at 10 and I plait my hair as I get ready to go for a ride with Maximus. I run down in my dressing gown to get ready in the stable, due to the fact that all my gear is in there. I hear Viola, shouting me to eat breakfast, but right now, I need to just get out so I run straight past her, giggling like a school child.

I enter the stable to receive a little neigh from Max.

Y: Good morning boy, we're going for a little hack today. Let me get changed and I'll be right back.

I quickly change into my jodhpurs, shirt, socks, boots and gloves before finally putting on my hat. Tacking Max up, I hear footsteps entering the stable.

J: And what do you think you're doing miss Y/N?

Y: Really James? I'm going out for a ride on MY horse.

J: I'm afraid...

T: You're afraid what? If I was you, I'd leave right now. Go back to the roof.

J: I... Yes Tom.

Tom's power over James makes me smile, it's kind of sexy.

Y: Can you just punch him already?

T: You know I'd love to.

Tom looks behind him before walking over to me and lifting my hat off to kiss me, his hand on my waist. He pulls away and places my hat back on my head, doing it up for me.

T: I'll come with you; I'd like to see you ride.

He smirks as he says this, making me scoff at his crudeness.

Y: Oh really? You're funny.

T: I know. But you're not getting me on that thing.

Y: 'That thing?' Be kind. And, I will.

I finish Max off by tightening his girth. I hop on easily, having experience from riding before a few times. Tom walks me out of the stable on to the field behind the house.

Y: Watch this.

I start to trot around and then as I begin to feel comfortable, I pop Max into canter. Tom watches, arms crossed, nodding proudly. I slow down back into walk and go up to him.

Y: How was that?

T: impressive, and hot.

I giggle softly before hopping off Maximus and taking off my hat to put on Tom.

Y: It's your turn now, big boy.

T: Er, no. You must be joking. I already said...

Y: I know what you said, but I won't take that as an answer. Come on.

T: I can't argue with you, can I?

Y: Nope, come on.

Tom heavily sighs before doing up the hat. I grab him a step so he can climb on to Max easily. I help him lower his stirrups to the correct length and check Max's girth once more before beginning to lead him round in a walk to start off with.

Y: Comfy?

T: Oh yeah, just like a pillow.

Y: Enough with the sarcasm.

T: Yes, it's comfy.

Y: Good, let's try a trot.

T: Wait, what?

Before he can even think of getting off, I tap Max into a trot and laugh as Tom's face turns white as a sheet in terror.

T: Ok, I think I'm done.

I slow Max down into a walk and lead them into the stable.

Y: See that wasn't so bad, was it?

Tom jumps off Max and brushes himself down, taking off the hat to give it back to me.

T: Never, doing that again.

I laugh at him as he bends over, leaning on his knees to catch his breath. Tom waits outside the stable as I un-tack and brush Max. I finish off by hanging my hat and crop onto the hooks next to the stable door. I lock everything up and give Max a quick kiss on his nose before feeding him and giving him water.

I walk outside the stable, undoing my gloves. Tom smiles at me and walks with me back to the house.

Y: Well, that was one hell of a morning. I'm starving now.

T: What do you want?

Y: Hmm. What about pasta salad? My dad used to make the best pasta salad when I was younger.

T: Ok, I'll talk to viola.

Y: Better you than me anyway, I skipped her breakfast this morning.

Tom gasps jokingly and I pull an apologetic face. My belly feels like it's eating my insides, I guess that's karma for not eating breakfast though.

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