We open a school store * surprise* pt1

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Teacher: you must read 2,3,and4. AGNES PUT THAT AWAY THAT'S NOT YOURS!!!! Of Midsummer night dream you must complete for Monday. AGNES
Strawberry:I don't Shakespeare to be a influencer
Tootsie:sir is it mandatory cause I have a very very busy schedule this weekend
Teacher: it depends do you want to F in this class
Tootsie:it depends what grade am I getting
Tootsie according to my calculations if I get a zero on this worksheet and I'm giving up 59% in this class that means I'M STILL PASSING okay good
Raja: wow tootsie I never know that you're so good at math.Beauty and brains
Tootsie: it's not math Raja.is it? OMG am I good at math then why do I have 5 52% in the class I knew Mr. timber hated me
Teacher: hey class I got some unfortunate news to share with all of you
Tootsie:you're transferring to another school.oh i'm going to miss you so much.can I have a colorful pens
Raja:no sir please you cannot leave you're amazing
Teacher: I am not transferring anywhere I'm here till retirement
Strawberry: oh shame you really should
Raja:oh thank goodness
Teacher:What I was going-to say Unfortunately the school is making some budget cuts they gave up my parking spot
Cinnamon:wait wait so you're telling me the school is like broke
Cinnamon:*screens* this is where I get for going to a public school
Teacher in there for we have to cancel the annual BVH ski trip
*Everybody in a classroom disappointed*
Cinnamon:* gasp* wait why do I care I go skiing and a Swiss Alps every year which is far better than going with you losers
Rhubarb:how come you never take me
Cinnamon:do you have skis
Rhubarb:I can rent
Cinnamon:only port people rent skis
Rhubarb:I'm not that poor. Just poor compared to you
Strawberry I wish I could come to the Swiss Alps with you Cinnie* whispers* so I can push you off a mountain

Y/n: *whispers to Tootsie and Riya* why is she bragging of skiing in the Swiss Alps one that's like the poorest place to ski
*Riya and Tootsie laugh*

Cinnamon:what are you guys laughing at
Y/n: nothing I was just saying that I never ski on the Swiss Alps before
Cinnamon:why cause you're not rich like me. I thought you said you're richer than me
Y/n: I said I never been there because that's the poorest place to go skiing
Cinnamon:are you sure cuz was Alps is pretty luxurious and rich like me
Y/n: yeah cause I want to go to is the number one ski resorts ends and Swiss Alps is not even in the top 10 sorry not sorry
Cinnamon:*gasp* are you serious I'm calling daddy
Riya: what server as school treasurer I donated for everything
Teacher:yes but when cinnamon and Tootsie broke the roof last year that budget went out the door
Tootsie:my bad
Cinnamon:in my defense I was with a really big girl
Teacher:along with the ski trip The math leets are not going to regionals
Strawberry:math leets so you're telling me people do math for fun
Tootsie:there's a math leets at the school is that what you doing your spare time who even cares about that
Raja: it is important
Teacher: and the winter formal is cancel to
Daniel:ohh come on
Cinnamon:sir I'm down to cut the budget of the math leets but they're only bringing the popularity down in the school but not the winter formal
Gladys: that was the only place were I could fit in

Teacher:alright class I have an appointment what the divorce lawyer my wife is leaving me for younger man The pool boy
Rays:*crying*the math club
Strawberry:wait this isn't even my book
Rhubarb:let's go cinnamon
Cinnamon:ATTENTION EVERYONE. I don't care about the virgin club a.k.a. the math leets getting Bunk'd but the ski trip the school dances oh no no no Honey not on my watch
Rhubarb:not I'll cinnamon Watch
Daniel:so what are we gonna do
Cinnamon:that's easy I can make everybody's problems go away I'll tell my daddy to sponsor all events by writing a big fat check
Rhubarb:yeah cinnamons daddy oh my boobs almost popped out of excitement
Riya: wow that's really nice of you
Strawberry:wow that's amazing Cinnie *gags*
Raja: even the math club
Cinnamon:SHUT UP obviously not
Strawberry: get over it raja it was for nerds anyway. Oh wait you are a nerd. Shame.
Raja: it's important
Cinnamon: OK only you can shut up
Cinnamon don't celebrate so fast nothing in life come easy unless your daddy is rich
Y/n: your dad is not that rich
Cinnamon:*gives y/n A death glare* ignores* all your family support
Rhubarb:my dad is kind of rich
Cinnamon;if you want me to fund the ski trip the dances the math leets losers you owe me
Strawberry:oh this can't be good
Tootsie: owe you what I can get you McDonalds coupons. No actually I want those
Cinnamon: I means Sasquatch
Whatever I want you have to do. You owe me get it
Raja you have to do my homework every single night till I get a 99% in every course
Nononono wait 100% no 101
For bonus marks
Raja:*whines* okay I bet would take forever
Tootsie:that sucks

*after cinnamon gives the class her chores*

Cinnamon:and last but not least y/n you have to clean my whole house from top to bottom
Y/n: excuse me the last time I check I'm not your maid
Cinnamon:but you owe me
Y/n:owe you what I only been here for 2 weeks I don't owe you anything but the only thing I will get you is a hairstylist cause you hair is so damage from all that red hair dye.
Cinnamon: if you don't go as I say I will not let my daddy give the school the check for all the schools activities
*the class is complaining*
Y/n:Fine*little did cinnamon know that y/n had something up her sleeve*
Cinnamon; and for the rest of you I will text you all your duties I should tell my maid she can have a week off your all welcome and just remember I'm doing thing out of kindness of my wallet well daddy's wallet tootles
Rhubarb: wait cinnamon bye loser
Strawberry:wait Cinnie I need a ride
Riya: I guess we have to do course.
Raja: at least it's for a good thing

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