extra (1) meeting the parents

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amaya's point of view

"stop it!!" i chuckle as tobio ruffles my hair teasingly. his hand returns from my hair back into my hand, lacing his fingers into mine as i reach up and smooth my hair back down with my free hand.

we continue to walk home together after volleyball practice, talking and joking about the most random topics.

"no, when i was little, i swear, i would play with my barbie dolls for probably twelve to sixteen hours a day," i laugh. "i didn't have any siblings so my dolls were pretty much my best friends."

"you didn't have any real friends?" tobio teases, and i scoff.

"you know, not really. actually— i take that back. my bestie was lev, i think i told you about that?" i ask and he nods, before i continue.

"well, before grade school we were neighbors. we ended up going to different elementaries but then we both went to nekoma for middle school. anyways, he would sometimes come over and play barbies with me, although i definitely enjoyed it much more than he did," i roll my eyes. tobio laughs softly and squeezes my hand as we arrive to our spot where we split off in different directions.

we only live a couple of blocks away, we've come to find out, and i've actually been to his house a lot and met his mom a few times. she's very kind and welcoming, and his cat is adorable.

he pulls me into a hug, i wrap my arms around him and look up at him with a smile. he kisses my forehead and i blush, butterflies erupting in my stomach.

i don't think i can ever get past that feeling.

"i'll see you tomorrow, yeah? text me when you get home. be safe, okay?" i say as we pull away from each other. he nods and replies, "same, for you. see you tomorrow."

we both grin, and turn away from each other, heading toward our own houses. i plug in my headphones, playing a playlist that tobio made for me.

i arrive home, pausing my music and walking inside the unlocked door. i'm greeted my my mom, who is in the kitchen, wearing her scrubs. she must have to head to the hospital for work soon.

"hi, honey," she smiles. "how was your day?"

"good," i respond, kicking off my shoes by the door and putting my bag down next to them.

"hey, dad," i smile, peeking into the glass doors of his office right next to the front door. he's focused on something on his computer but he looks up at me with a warm smile, greeting me before returning his attention back to the screen.

i pass by the kitchen to the stairs, heading to my room. i change into some sweats and one of tobio's t-shirts i stole.

finally this week is over. ugh.

i plop down on my bed only before hearing my phone ringing.

incoming facetime from tobio kageyama <3

i answer immediately. his face pops up on the screen, a guilty expression evident. he seems to be outside, i notice in the background is the sky and a few trees.

"hey! are you home? everything okay? why are you outside?"

"ummm... i sort of forgot my house key..."

"dumbass!" i tease. "what about your spare under your doormat?"

"i sort of forgot to put it back..."

i burst out laughing. he scowls at me. "well when are your parents home?"

"i don't know. i think my mom said they're going out of town for the weekend."

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