Why Try?

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What? The? Hell?.
Taylor Johnson Is my Aunt/Mother?
People always said we looked so much alike and She never bothered to mention it???
What a Nice Fucking Family I have. Just then I seen A tall Brunette With A slim figure and A slight smile sit down. Uh, Hi Taylor I say Looking down at my hands.
She Smiled and Just sat there. Taylor Has Me and Josh that's all her kids but why?
How? Why does it say Claire Jasmine?. Suddenly She spoke.
Um, I'm your Birthmother, The Claire Jasmine Isn't your Name... It's Claire Lily don't Worry,
You were born August 12 1997, You Know josh Of course and Well We sorta... Lied She said Quietly.
What The hell Taylor! I screamed beyond Pissed. Why? I Spoke now Calmly.
Because Having A daughter ruined My life, I had my mind set Of two Boys Whom 1 was a girl and
I didn't get into modeling because I had 2 kids to take care of, I thought you'd be just like your father.
It's fine I say Suddenly regret filled my eyes. Josh Walked in.
Hey Sis! He says Softly. Fuck you! I mutter under my breath and He heard along with So called "mom".
She's A fucking Bitch
, I hate you Taylor Jasmine Johnson.
Have a nice fucking life without me because I'm not living with you or Josh.
I'll Go with Someone I can trust and be out by Monday I say Getting up and walking out.
I packed my Clothes And Everything I needed and Grabbed my iPod (5S) And Called Annabella.
She Payed for my plane ticket and It arrived today so I'm leaving Today.
That Was a Interesting chapter huh? Don't worry Claire was just upset, She won't be like that A lot doe.
Anyways New chapter soon!

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