Chapter 7

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After breakfast, we walked downstairs to put our plates in the sink. The door to the garage swung open to reveal Arrow.

"Prez wants to see you." He smirked.

I looked at Kitrina who looked at Arrow and then away before leaving me with him. I followed Arrow out to the garage where Gunner sat in the driveway on his bike.

"Hop on. Buck has a few questions for you." He grunted without a single look in my direction.

"Can we take the truck?"

I knew there was no way in hell that was gonna happen, but hey! A girl can dream, right? The look he shot me was a blatant no and patted the seat behind him. Reluctantly, I walked over. He kicked the stand up and started his steel horse. God, it was too early in the morning for this, but I didn't have a choice in the matter.

I hopped onto the bike, using the foot peg to help me up. Heeding his warning from the previous day, I wrapped my arms around him. With that, we peeled out of the driveway and onto the highway with three members in tow.

I looked over Gunner's shoulder the best I could at the road ahead. Nothing but desert and the occasional car ripping past us in the opposite direction. The wind blew a mixture of his cologne, leather, and motor oil back and me. To be honest, I wanted to bury my face deep into his shirt and let the intoxicating smell envelop me. Under my hands that were currently wrapped around his waist, I could feel what felt like rock-hard muscles. A part of me that had been slumbering for a very long time stirred, sending a familiar tingling sensation to my core.

No! Focus Sadie! This fuck nugget twat pocket kidnapped you from your home and is now keeping you, hostage, due to some shit your parents somehow roped you into. Plus what did this Buck guy want to talk to me about? I literally told him everything I knew. Hell! I even checked Life360 last night and their locations were turned off. Checked bank accounts, social media, and all that I could on my phone.


Before I knew it we were back at the "clubhouse" that Kitrina corrected me on last night. It was less busy than it was last night when we walked in. Some girls with barely anything on, lay around still sleeping. Lucky bitches.

We made our way to the back and to a familiar set of stairs. We stopped outside the same door as the night before. Flashbacks from last night ran through my head. I took a deep breath as Gunner knocked on the door.

"Come in." Said a familiar voice.

Gunner opened the door and motioned for me to go in first. Still slightly tired and not in the mood to fight I made my way into the room. Buck was the only one I recognized sitting in the exact same spot.

"Take a seat." He motioned at the seat next to him.

I was hesitant but asshat Gunner pushed me forward not giving me a choice. I sat down carefully while Gunner plopped into the seat right next to me.

"So," Buck spoke as his eyes scanned me. "Are we gonna be a good girl and tell me everything you know?"

"I have told you everything. I even checked everything I could to try and track them myself but no luck. I really wish I could give you answers but I really don't have any." I said looking down and fidgeting with my hands in my lap.

"You have to know something." Said one guy sitting across from me.

"Look! If I need to put together a PowerPoint presentation to prove to you that I don't know where my parents are then I'll do it. I really don't know. It's not like they tell me what they do for work." I looked up at them. "Maybe there's something at the house. A clue? Shit, I'm taking forensics for fucks sake!"

The guy across from me glared. Obviously pissed.

"Now lis-"

"No." Buck cut him off. "She might have a point. Everything about her is screaming that she's telling the truth."

"Might not be a bad idea to go back to the house and check." Gunner shrugged. "As she said, she is taking forensics classes."

"We'll bring it up at church later," Buck said before turning his attention toward me. "Till then I want you to try and track your parents. Maybe talk to Kitrina and Wizz. Wizz can track anyone or anything."

He waved us off.

Before dick for brains could place a hand on me I quickly got out of my chair. He led me out of the room and back out to the street. Instead of walking toward the bike, he started walking down the sidewalk.

"Is this Wizz guy far?" I asked doing a light jog to keep up with his wide gate. "Hey slow down, please! My short legs can't keep up!"

"Shut up and find out." He growled.

Kitrina wasn't kidding. This man was throwing a tantrum all cause he didn't get his dick wet last night? Fucking hell! Fleshlights were invented for a reason. But I obviously wasn't gonna tell him that.

We continued to walk a couple of blocks, well mainly him walking and I almost having to jog to keep up, till we stopped in front of a firearms shop.

As we walked in the man behind the counter lifted his chin up at Gunner and Gunner gave one back in return before we disappeared behind a door towards the back of the store. It led to a huge storage space with shelves that lined the walls full of boxes of ammo, cleaning kits, and guns. We turned left into an open office where a man looking to be in his late twenties or early thirties sat behind a desk with a gun taken apart. He looked up at us with a smile.

"Gunner!" The man got up and gave Gunner a hug while slapping the huge patch on the back of Gunner's back that had a snarling wolf with blood dripping from its mouth and the words 'Iron Wolves' above the wolf. The huge patch was also accompanied by one patch on the bottom reading 'Nevada'.

"Wizz!" Gunner greeted back with a slap to his back in return. "Good to see you."

"What can I do for you?" Wizz asked, taking a seat back behind the desk.

"Need your expertise." Gunner said leaning against the wall after making sure I was in the room.

The man stopped what he was doing and looked back up at Gunner before looking over at me realizing I was there.

"Name?" He questioned. Gunner pushed me forward. They both looked at me waiting to speak.

"Mary and Trevor." I managed to stumble out. "McKnight."

The man made a slight nod of his head as he pushed his chair over to a computer sitting to the left of the desk he was working at moments ago.

"It might take me some time," Wizz said to Gunner.

"How much?"

"Anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days." He said not wavering his gaze from one of the monitors he had on his desk.

"It's top priority per Prez. Call me when you find out anything." With that Gunner walked out.

"T-thank you!" I said with a smile before I turned around and jogged after Gunner.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"My place." He spoke as we made it out of the store and back down to the bar.

"I-I thought we were going back to my house? Ya know to search for anything there? Also please slow down!"

"No. Keep up. We're going back to my place till the feds stop patrolling your neighborhood." He said over his shoulder.

Made sense. From what I had seen on TV shows and movies this kind of stuff you didn't want the police involved cause that made shit a whole lot more complicated.

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