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"Its called being selfish, yeah...but you know you're mine...ow!" I scoffed as Harry cleans the bruise I got when I got in a fight with...I wouldn't say fans because I respect them to of his flirty supporters.

He chuckled. "Aira..."

"Well if you haven't notice...she's such a insert bad word here that starts with s and ends with t. I just want to strangle her to death." I groaned. He held up a finger.

"C'mon, need to stop being jealous. "

I huffed. "M so not jealous."

"You so are," he pinched my nose softly. I shot him a glare. "But you know what, I like it. I see your possessiveness in a good way. I love you."

Here we go again. He said it again. Those words that could always jelly-legs jinx me. Those words that could somewhat make me stop breathing but makes my heart jump. Always. Yeah, I always get that feeling.

I smiled. "I love you, too. I'm sorry you have to deal with my selfishness. I-"

He kissed me, cutting me off. I kissed him back. I'm melting here! Oh why does everything have to be so perfect. Well, I'm proud of it. After all those action. Its just...whoah.

"Shut up, Aira. You're selfish and I love it."

I couldn't help but grin. "How bout we have a movie night? "

"Yes! We should! I'll bring Eleanor! "Louis interrupted. Oh yeah, he's here.

"Don't forget the food!!" Niall cooed.

Yep, I think they're all here.

"How bout pizza?" Liam suggested.

"That would be totally cool!" Zayn agreed.

Harry and I looked at each other and bursted out laughing. How could we forget that they're here? Its their flat anyway!

So basically the night went out pretty fine. We're having some sort of movie marathon and I really am enjoying it. I like how the this girl's all smarty and bossy but is a very nice and trustworthy friend.


"Aira!" Niall whined, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and he pouts, "I want pizza."

There were echoes of agreement and I frowned. "Again?" I asked in disbelief. "Niall that's your fifth box already! And you didn't even bother sharing!" I protested.

Wait a minute! Deja vù?

"But-" Niall gave me his cutest pleasing look.

No, Aira.

Don't give in.



"She gives in!" Liam laughs as I raised my arms and gave a frustrated sigh.

"I give up!" I announced and went to get my phone. The guys laughed and I rolled my eyes.

I somehow stopped on my tracks. Haven't these moments already happened?

As we were waiting for the delivery guy, I flop myself down beside Harry while he wraps his arms around me. I cuddled, burying my head on his chest. He let out a deep chuckle as I close my eyes.

"Oh gosh! That girl is hot!" He whispered and my head snapped up looking at him as he stares at the girl who's starring the movie. Emna Watson.

No way...I could've sworn I've already pictured these scenes! I plopped my hand on my mouth to keep me from talking.

Shut up, I'm Selfish! (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now