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Andi was beyond excited for the start of this worldwide tour. Their first stop is London. She has never been there, but she always dreamt of going there. She couldn't believe that they were actually going there and she had to even pinch herself just to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

From her seat beside James, Andi glances up from the Percy Jackson book she's reading, looking at Carlos with wide eyes when he suddenly yells. The last time she looked over at the two boys, James was reading a magazine and Carlos was asleep so the yell definitely startled her. The yell from Carlos even startled everyone else on the plane. Everyone went back to what they were doing as Carlos calmed down.

"Mr. Garcia, pull your seat forward." The flight attendant told him. James slapped Carlos' hand off his arm and Carlos slowly pulls away. He had held onto James on instinct when he was scared after he woke up. 

"We'll be landing soon." After the flight attendant left, Kendall and Logan turned around in their seats, turning to face Andi, Carlos, and James.

Andi sighs. "Let me guess," She puts her bookmark in place before closing her book and looks at Carlos with raised eyebrows. "You had the secret agent dream again?"

Carlos nods with a grin on his face. "Oh, it is so real."

"A castle, a princess, and us stopping an evil guy from ruling the world sounds real to you?" Logan asked, pointing at Carlos.

Carlos nods in response. "Don't forget about The Beatles song."

"Let me tell you about my dream." Kendall speaks up. He gestures to himself, Carlos, James, and Logan. "We all move to L.A.," He gestures to Andi. "Become best friends with this awesome songwriter who gets famous," He shares a smile with Andi before he glances at the other three boys, gesturing to himself and the other three boys again. "And we somehow become a pop band."

"We go on a world tour where our first stop is London." Kendall continued. 

Andi glances up when she hears an electronic bell ring over the intercoms. A smile tugs on her lips at what is said over the intercoms next. "Okay, passengers we're starting our descent, and in about 20 minutes, we'll be landing in London."

Kendall and Logan grin at the three. "And it came true!" The two exclaimed and the five of them high fived each other.


When they arrive at the airport, Andi noticed that Katie had changed the outfit she was wearing. Katie was dressed up as a princess and was determined to become royalty while they were in London. Andi didn't blame her. Being royalty would be great and London does have quite of bit of royalty living there so it is possible to run into someone who's royal.

"Alright, first up we're going to the giant Ferris wheel." Kendall suggested, walking between James and Logan while he looked at a map he held.

"We should definitely go see the Big Ben." Andi chimed in.

"Oh, I want to go to Parliament." Logan pointed out the place on the map.

"I want to meet a hot girl with one of those cool accents." James smiled.

Andi chuckles and shakes her head. "Of course you do." It didn't surprise her James wanted to meet a girl in London.

The five of them stop when the map was yanked out of Kendall's hands by Gustavo. "You are not going anywhere because tonight is our first stop on our world tour, and if you do nothing, then nothing can go wrong."

Kelly nods, showing the five the strategy report they have made for the worldwide tour. "It's our official world tour strategy. We hired outside consultants and everything."

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