-3- The Essence of Being a Hero

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I am the sun, in the day, I rule the sky

But what will I do, if you not become the moon and hold me tight in the night

while I cry~"


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Here Katsuki was back in his room still trying to digest what happened, he was the one who had known deku for the longest, back when there were still kids, they had known each other like the back of their hand almost like twins but it all changed when Katsuki got his quirk the stupid awesome quirk which made him lose his mind, he was so lost in the praise of others, the fact that he was the best, he forgot about him the 1 most important person in his life

Then deku was diagnosed quirk less and all the hells broke loose, he became a monster to the boy, thinking of him as a useless, pathetic nerd but deep down he knew that he was the one who is pathetic, deku had and still has all the essence of being the best hero, kindness, compassion a firm resolve to save,
all things which Katsuki lack

He absolutely hated the fact that deku was better than him in something, that deku who was always behind was in front of him in something, he couldn't take that so he started bullying him, tried to break him, his dreams made him live a living hell all through his life

But it all changed when they come to U.A deku was not the quirk less little boy anymore, he had gained the one thing which he lacked, not that without the quirk deku would not have been a hero, he would have, but the quirk gave him more confidence the confidence to move forward faster, Katsuki knew that why Allmight have chosen Izuku, it was so obvious that even a blind can see, deku has always been a hero, fighting each and every day in his life, and allmight saw that

In U.A deku always fought like he always had with a strong spirit and determination, living a mark wherever he goes, swooning people everywhere near him, he was like a big flower that attracts people like bees, which irritated Katsuki,
Katsuki has always been the centre of attention around which deku revolved, those special smiles and bright eyes which only Katsuki had seen were now available to everybody this annoyed Katsuki it was like that now deku didn't have time for him, now deku didn't follow him like he usually did in the past .......

After Katsuki got his quirk he and Izuku drifted apart but he didn't know that the distance was so great that now he couldn't even tell the difference between Izuku"s real smile and the fake one he gave that day when they last talked .....

Not anymore he needs to find Izuku no not the one laying in the recovery girls room, not the one whom everyone knows for his smile and great hero work, no he needs to find the child Izuku the one that Katsuki knows, the boy who still afraid, who don't want to share his burdens cuz he feels that he will only worry others, Katsuki wanted to be like, they were before when life wasn't so complicated when they were no things like, thoughts and insecurity clouding their mind and judgement, he again wanted to be the one on which the green boy relied, to whom he will come when he was hurt or distress like before ......

They need to talk, their relationship ship is complicated it is like a tangled web of strings, you can't hastily try to untangled, it will become more difficult, you can't put strains on the strings as they will break
They both need time and space to heal but before all that they need to talk, not a screaming match, not a fight but, sit down face each other and talk
Something which they should have done ages ago, but katsuki's anger has not allowed it
But now they can, Katsuki will do it, for Izuku's sake, for the boy who has never given up on him, the boy who was always there, the boy who loved him, the boy HE loved.........who had done anything he can do for Katsuki,


Its katsuki's turn to return the favour
When the news of the green boy reached allmight, the symbol of peace was devasted his successor the boy who he deemed as a son was trying to end his life, allmight couldn't stop that from happening, he broke the promise, he has given to Mrs Midoriya, he couldn't protect him

After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that they will not tell what actually happened to the broccoli head's mother until she is here, as when they have called her, she was out of the country for work purposes, and it was not safe to worry her in an unknown country when Izuku was out of danger ......

It felt like years to Katsuki as he waited for the green boy to open his eyes even it only been a day, the class was suspended as the eraser head was not able to teach, he too was waiting outside the recovery girl's office for his student to wake up ....

Class 1 A has lots of questions they wanted to ask, but seeing Katsuki and their teacher's empty face decided against it, they know that something is wrong as midoriya was nowhere to be seen and bakugou looked like he was a walking mine, ready to explode
But still, there was a student whose curiosity got their best, it happened to be the dancing queen Mina Ashido, mina was not a bad girl by any means, in fact, she was the first one to help if ever anything happens, but as she doesn't know how to control herself, she was always getting into trouble ... Interferring when you need to is the essence of being a hero but one should know the difference between this "need to" and when the situation should be left as it is.

"Come on Baku babe tell us what happened ???!!" mina again tried to pester Katsuki even though Aizawa and even her own classmates have told her not to

"It's none of your business raccoon eyes, and Aizawa has also told me to not say anything", Katsuki said trying not to blow her up with one of his famous explosions, he will never admit but these guys were his friends and didn't want to hurt them, he didn't want to do anything he will regret, deku was in this condition because of him, he doesn't want that happen to any other of his friends ......

"Oh! Come on Baku babe, what secret are you hiding, which is so important huh!!, Midoriya is nowhere to be seen and you and Aizawa have that 12 o'clock shadow on your face, don't tell me you and midobabe fought again". mina tried again in a teasing manner

But it was the last straw for Katsuki, right now "that" name was like a gun powder to him, it reminded him that he was a failure, he couldn't protect him, he killed him

"Mina I think that's enough "Kirishima tried to reason with the pink girl, as he could see that Katsuki was on the verge of exploding

"No Kiri he shou- "but before she can say another sentence a loud explosion was heard, Katsuki 's quirk was malfunctioning, producing orange sparks here and there

"What did you- ", but before Katsuki can finish, his quirk was erased, and then they saw their teacher behind him with his eyes red and shining, indicating the use of his quirk

"That's enough problem child, go to the recovery girl's office," Aizawa said with his eyes returning to normal
Katsuki just grunted and walked out of the door

"Mina Ashido," Aizawa said with a deadly serious voice, "I think I have given strict orders to not pester bakugou? "

"Yes-s sensei but I was just curious, he wouldn't tell us what happened", mina stated

"So, your curiosity got so much of you that you overruled my orders? mina pick up a dictionary and look at the word, 'privacy' "

"You need to know your boundaries and I hope you do in the future, there are things from which you should keep your nose out, there are things that people don't want to share and you can't force them just because you are curious," Aizawa said and walked out ....


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