chapter 7 - yokai hunt (part 1)

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a few hours after putting the groceries away, your mum came home, you were watching the new hit show "Blasters Inc" in which a young man and woman have to destroy alien bases and get hired for alien clear outs...

"(Y/N) that nate boy down the road was looking for you when i was coming home, do you want to go out and meet him? He said he had something for you." Your mum said, placing her hand on your shoulder.

"sure, but isn't it a bit late?" you and your mum glanced over to the clock on the wall. it read 8:30.

"maybe just a little late, but i trust you enough to stay safe and be back by 10, i'll make sure that i push dinner back til then." she smiled at you as your eyes lit up.

"really? thank you so much mum!!" you hugged her so tightly and ran to the door, putting your shoes on and leaving the door wide open. your mum watched you run as she smiled and closed the door gently. " telling you."

you ran towards nate's house and collided with him coming to the door as he opened it and stepped it out. "w-wait up (Y/N)!!" whispy shouted meekly, colliding with the back of your head. "sorry.."

"h-hi nate!" you half shouted, trying to regain the balance in your feet.

"hey (Y/N), your mum to you i was looking for you?" he asked, laughing.

"yeah she did, what did you want?" you replied, tilting your head.

" well whisper said there was a yokai we needed to find and i need your help..." 

"sure! what can i help you with," you asked, "am i going to need to call jobinyan?!" 

you exclaimed, reaching for your pocket and pulling out his medal, "woah waoh slow down, im not too sure yet, we need to ask whisper where we're going!" 

"okay okay fine!!" you laughed, "whisper where are we going?" 

whisper turned around and fumbled with his yokai-pad, "we're going to blossom heights to look for baku, he can eat your sleepiness so you can go out late at night, and will make a clone of you so you won't get caught." he read from the screen.

"then lets go, last one there's the loser!!" you ran off with whispy on your shoulders like a little child.

"wait for me!!" nate shouted as he ran after you, the two of you ran all the way to blossom heights, obviously stopping for cars and being responsible people, and when you got into the town you stopped to catch your breaths. Huffing, you spotted a grassy pathway to your right, there was a worn away wood path, large towering trees making it very dim and ominous looking.

"do you think the yokai could be there?" you asked, pointing weakly with your finger.

"maybe, lets check." he replied, walking over the the entrance, he peered around the entrance and slowly walked along the tree-sheltered path. You followed behind him cautiously at first but in the end skipping ahead of him, whispy and whisper lagging behind everyone. 

the path lead into a large open space with an abandoned building in the center, broken and weathered due to time. "what do you thinks in there?" you asked staring up at the building.

"i'm not sure, but there's only one way to find out." nate responded, walking forwards and pushing the door, it creaked open on its rusting hinges and you watched him step inside.

"nate! wait for me!" you exclaimed, scrambling after him, "c'mon whispy, you too whisper!"

the two ghost-like entities followed you inside, nate was stood at the door waiting for the 3 of you. "sorry whisper...i got carried away!"

"don't worry nate, young whispy here would've taken care of me for sure, right whispy?" whisper asks, directing all eyes to whispy, now sat comfortably in your hands.

"nope, let's go (Y/N)," whispy replied, pointing her finger in a random direction, instructing you to walk, you reached a door that had an eye on it and proceeded to push it, it pushed you into the room it was hiding, when you tried to push it back it wouldn't let you.

" way doors," you said out loud, sighing and looking down at whispy.

"this isn't my fault is it whispy?" she asked sheepishly, you shook your head and smiled at her.

"of course it isn't whispy, this is probably yokai infested anyway." you chucked at her.

"it definitely feels like that, there's at least 2 yokai in this room." she looked around and stared at a door in the corner of the room, "there's one right there."

"great!" you responded, "nate!! the door's are one way be careful!!" you shouted to him, hoping he could hear you, you lifted up your yokai watch and pulled out jobinyan's medal. you popped open the lens and placed the medal into the empty slot, a satisfying click sound came from your watch.

"yokai medal do your thing." you whispered to the watch, a bright beam of light came from it and jobinyan appeared, snoozing on the floor. "jobinyan...jobinyan..." you shook the tiny blue cat in an attempt to wake him.

"n...nyo five more minutes..." he mumbled then bolted up, his fur standing on end, "nyo fair (Y/N) leave give me a warnying nyext time,"

"how exactly do i do that?" you asked, he went to answer but you shushed him, "that was a rhetorical question. anyway, we're currently looking for a yokai and there's one in the way of that door could you help us?"

"of course i can! jobinyan to the rescue!!" he pounced over to the corner and stood there. you shone the yokai lens around, searcheing for the hidden yokai when you spotted it, it came into sight fully for you, a blobby looking yokai appeared.

"that's dismarelda, she makes everyone feel down, that's about all i know on her," whispy spoke softly.

"thank you whispy," you walked over to her and she took you as a threat to her.

"what're you doing here?" she asked, "you shouldn't be here, this is my door to defend and i wont let you pass through, i'm sorry but you just can't come through..." she said, a hint of aggression in her voice

"please can we just go past? we're really in a hurry!! we just need to get through!" you exclaimed.

"i'm not sorry, you cannot go though. this is the door i swore to protect and i will NOT let a silly little person like yourself go through, baku told me to protect this door if it killed me and that's what i'm going to do!"

"if you want to be like that then fine, it'll be like that, jobinyan its your time to shine!" you smiled at the blue cat, he looked up and you with a malice in his eyes as she began to try and attack you, whispy and jobinyan. he began to fight back, scratching her quite a lot, and she put up a fight to say the least,  but eventually she gave up and made herself dissappear, leaving behind a yokai medal. jobinyan was weak when he had finished fighting, you looked at your yokai watch and realised that he was below half health. "jobinyan!! you're going to faint!"

"i'll be fine, just get me some gooey candy later and i'll be fine, or get me to a yokai nurse, i promise you i'll be fine..." he said as he dissapeared back into his medal.

"will he be alright whispy?!" you asked. looking over at her floating behind you.

"yes, you see the thing is, yokai can't die obviosuly because they're already spirits, but they can faint, so if you feed them their favorite food, that will gradually heal them the more you feed them, he's gone back into his medal to stay protected," she explained, floating to dismarelda's medal, "dismarelda's fainted which means she automatically either disappears or goes back into her yokai medal, in this instance she decided that being on your team would be better than surrendering herself to someone else later down the line if that makes sense."

"yeah it does! thanks whispy!" she tossed you the yokai medal to keep safe for later, you caught it and put it in your pocket. "now let's get going..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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