Yoongi Biased

24 1 3

13th June, 2013

It was a really normal day for other Fandoms yes but for me it was something unforgettable.

It was the first time I felt like a teenage girl, squealing like one.

Especially when someone in their group caught my eye.

So pale, such a charismatic looking boy.

Min Yoongi.

I still remember my first impression of him. He was so daring.

Then 3 years later... when I finally had enough time... I found out he had gone solo... AgustD (D-2).

I missed him so much.

And then... fan meet and greet.

A gift from my older sister and that day I cried to sleep.

I arranged like 21 gifts, 3 gifts for each member and... well maybe two more hand-made cards for Yoongi.

When I went to the place it was not much crowded but I could feel the enthusiasm of everyone present there.

After few songs, we all swarmed the meet and greet.

There he was.

His face had quite the glow as he smiled.

Ow my heart.

When it was my turn, I went to greet each one of them.


He laughed at something I said and giggled later when he saw my gifts.


His dimpled smile made me smile too. He looked at the card I gave him and then chuckled lightly. (Psst, it was my report card)


He looked at me with a shy smile and I giggled. I was older than him so it was a must to spoil him. I gave him a sketchbook, some had my sketches of them as he looked at it in awe.

I was nearing Yoongi and it made my heart pound faster.


He gently smiled as he asked for my hand and I laughed when he measured our hands. Mine were too small in comparison. I gave him different Polaroids that I had of them and some quotes in Korean. Hope the translator did me good. He smiled before gently taking his hand away from mine.

My eyes nervously peeked at Yoongi who was smiling and signing another fan's photocard.

Please notice me. (I was so gonna write senpai)


His hands took mine softly and intertwined them. He looked at me and smirked.

"My hand is bigger than yours."

I chuckled noticing he was not lying. I looked at our hands in awe.

"Your hand is cuter than mine though."

I said before smirking at him.

Jimin raised an eyebrow before shaking his head and chuckling.

He signed my photocard book before closing the books and looking at my gift.

"Hand-stitched masks?"

He asked and I nodded.

He bit his lips before ducking down and looking at me.

"I wish you liked me more than hyung."

He whispered but I jumped back.


I asked but he chuckled and waving his hand for me to move the line.

I bowed a little as I did to every member and looked at Yoongi to see him staring at me.

And boy... I would have died of heart attack if the girl behind me hadn't pushed me.

I said a small sorry before moving along, gulping as I looked at Yoongi.

He was there.

Right there.

A touch away.

And before I knew it I was extending my hand, my finger booping his nose.

Jimin laughed from beside him and I wondered if it was because of me.

But my eyes were on Yoongi who didn't know if he should remove my finger or chuckle. He was shocked. Just like me.

"Oh I'm sorry!"

I cringed at my high pitched voice.

Why is it that we always tend to embarass ourselves in front of our crushes?

I bowed a little, not meeting his eye.

He chuckled before taking my finger and poking it to his cheek.

I melted.

I looked up with a smile and giggled as I poked him again.

"You're real."

I didn't realise I said it out loud but he smiled so big. His gummy smile making me wanna become a uwu puddle.

He looked at my gifts for him before picking one out. Special hand-made by me.

Other hand-made items were made for Yoongi as well but... I realized it's not nice to be biased.

But I still gave him my best piece.

It was a beanie, red one just like his lips.

Why am I thinking of his lips?

He tried to wear it and boy... he looked adorable.

I cooed loudly making everyone laugh as I shied away.

Yoongi took my hands, intertwining both our fingers as he played with them.

"You are the cutest you know that?"

He asked and even though I should have given him a shy smile,

"Not cuter than you."

I f****** said that.

So this is how all the chapters are going to be.

Just a small reminder that this hasn't happened with me. It was based off pure imagination.

Also SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOMED and please do recommend some ideas or guide me. Otherwise I'm fine on my own too but I want love uwu.

Thanks for reading my dear readers.

Author H,



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