It's Cute

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Chapter 21 Tony POV
"Hey guys something seems off about this mission"
"Yea I agree with Tony this base is empty." cap siad over the coms

"Do any of you have anything and Nat do you have the data?" Cap asked the team I am starting to be worried why would we be at an empty hydra base

"Yea but there is nothing much here."
"All clear on my end" the entire of the team said

"Okay everyone return to the jet I am on my way I will see when you get here"

I arrived at the jet took my helmet off Bruce was sitting and waiting "that was fast"

"yea I know Bruce something about this mission seems off" I took my suit off and placed it in a case and closed the case. The team arrived one by one and all where here I closed the jet doors and Clint began to pilot us back home

We were about 1hour and 30min out from the tower and everything was quiet.

"Sir you have an emergency message from Y/n"

The team all looked up and waited for J.A.R.V.I.S to continue.

"Sir would like me to continue" "yes J.A.R.V.I.S continue "

"Y/n has placed the tower under lockdown, the tower has been under attack and they need medical assistance." they looked around at each other worried.

"Shall I call for emergency services?" "No JAR we are almost there"
Nat stood up and went to Clint to tell him to speed up.

Nat came back and sat down and started gearing up and getting ready.
"J.A.R.V.I.S can you show us the security footage of the tower."

"I am sorry Mis. Romanoff but I don't have access to the tower scrutiny feed while under lockdown."

Nat rolled her eyes, she seemed agitated or scared no one can ever make out Nat's emotions, no one other than Nat and Y/n.

We finally arrived at the tower and walked out to the platform ready to fight. Natasha pulled her handgun, Steve had his shield, Clint had his bow, Thor had his hammer, and Bruce we'll Bruce was walking behind just in case we needed green.

We walked into the tower with our guard up. We took the stairs to the location of Y/n. We made it to the door and it was blown apart. The door was in peace and there were scorch marks all over the wall

3rd person

The team entered the darkroom Natasha holding a flashlight with her gun to give her a good visual. Clint trips and falls landing on something softer than the floor.

"Och" the team turned back to try and find where Clint landed. Natasha shined a light right beside Clint's head; they see a dead body with blue lips. Nat shined a light on Clint and he was laying on another dead body.

He scurried off the body and grabbed his bow.
"What in Odin beard," Loki said weakly. Natasha follows the sound and the team behind her. She finds Loki lying on the floor with blood all over his face and bruised eyes.

"Loki what happens here?" Tony asked, with Tony not wearing his suit he was just kinda staying behind with Bruce. "We attacked, we fought, something about needing to comply, a lot of blood, and then I passed out"
"Natasha pass me a flashlight," Tony asked, Natasha passed him a spare flashlight and she went off looking for Y/n.

There was something on the ground giving off a small blue glow. Nat walked towards and picked it up, it's a dagger. "Hey Loki where did the daggers come from"

"Y/n made them for me to help in battle, ich stop touching me mortal"
"Loki let them help," Thor told his brother.

"Clint, come with me" Clint walked over to Natasha and helped. They were looking around when Clint stepped on something making a breaking noise. Natasha shines the light down as Clint moves his foot and under his foot is a broken hearing aid and not far away from the broken one is another one. Nat picks it up and looks at Clint.

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