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:Disclaimer. These were my feelings not too long ago. I'm... much better now, but I can't say all the way.

My heart has been hurt
My stomach made sick
My mood keeps to swerve
I couldn't make anything fit

I've always been a hopeless disaster
A curse forever let free
Everything pushing to be my Master
Restraining and cutting me

Chains hold me tight in this cold place
The metal burning my wrists
The tugging and pulling keep to make
Me on my own death wish

Don't think of me as a piece of dirt
Something to throw away...
I really can't take anymore hurt
This is something I need to change

Chains... I hate them with all my being
My mind is my worst enemy
My heart is rising up in teaming
It's like there is no kind of remedy

Everything hits me faster and harder
Everything leaves a mark and bruise
Never ending scars and tortures
The only options seem to always lose

This is a poem on how I used to feel. It is a hard feeling to shake- especially when your mind seems to always be against you. I'm sure everyone has felt chained to something in their lives.

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