Recipe 42

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*Sexual Content*

Soleil landed under the same tree where they made love last time they were in Eden. "We're here, Mate." He whispered on Elisha as he set her down.

"Eden." Elisha exclaimed breathlessly when she once again saw the grandeur of the garden. She felt like seeing it again for the first time.

Soleil sat down and leaned back on the tree's trunk, watching the awestruck look on his mate's face as her eyes devour the beauty where life were once created and was destroyed.

Then Elisha turned back to him with a mischievous grin on her face as she stalked towards him made him quirk his eyebrow with amusement. He tried to read what was on her mind but he met a block.
A mental block? His mate know how to block her thoughts from him now? Or is it the magical quality of Eden that made the impossible possible and she was unaware of the blocking.

Before Soleil could anticipate what Elisha was about to do, she already had him flat on his back as she straddled his waist, her thighs spread wide to accommodate his large body. Groaning loudly as Elisha started nipping and kissing his neck while her hands were impatiently tore at his clothes. His hands roamed shamelessly over his mate's body, loving the touch of her soft skin against his rough palms.

Muddled by Elisha's action as well as her and his rising lust, he joined her as they began to pull at each other's clothing until there were no barrier between their own rapidly heating bodies.

It's the first time that his mate initiated sexual aggressiveness and there was no denying that his body was responding to her hunger as he felt his manhood hardening.

"Soleil..." Elisha murmured at his neck. "Give him to me." Soleil stilled, his first thought was that his mate was asking for the demon.

"Who?" Soleil asked softly.

"You.. Him.. All of you." Elisha answered back as she stare down at him, her palms flat on his heaving chest and her eyes glazed with lust and her skin flushed with desire. Then it hit him as he curse inwardly. His chest thundered and his hands involuntarily tighten around Elisha's hips as the realization that his monster had managed to make contact with Elisha.

Grasping her hips, he rolled them until she was underneath him. Taking her wrists and imprisoning them over her head, he carefully lower himself atop of her until she was truly surrounded by him.

"You're asking for something impossible, mate. I can give you anything except that." Soleil began, latching his mouth on the sensitive bite-mark on her neck with a plan to distract her mind away from his monster.

"Not impossible, Soleil.  Stop hiding yourself, stop forcing what you are away." Elisha whispered, undeterred by Soleil's manipulation as she moans shamelessly when her mate nipped her neck before he drew away from her. She had felt Soleil's hidden personality in the same enigmatic way that she had sense Thallan's.

"You don't know what you are asking from me, Elisha." Soleil said morosely, looking down straight on Elisha's eyes. There was an extreme intensity on his eyes that sends delicious shudders throughout her body. He was fighting whether he would agree to her wishes or not.

"I know what I'm asking from you, Mate. I felt him, I felt you." Soleil sighed in defeat, there was no use of hiding something from Elisha once she had her mind set of knowing what it was. Shifting himself to the side and arranging her body parallel to him until they were face to face.

"Do you know what Berserkers are, Elisha?"

"Ummm.. Yes I think so. A Viking legend."

"And you know what legends are, right?" Soleil continued as his hand slide up and down the length of Elisha's slim back.

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