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"Your dad called me...asked me to come check on you." The male mumbled, not sure what to say. He spent all that time trying to get her to open the door and now he had no idea what to say.

"I'm fine." Andy insisted, crossing her arms and looking down. The atmosphere was awkward.

"I'm sorry...about your uncle." He then spoke.

"Thanks...he's in a better place now though..." Andy trailed off. Her numbness was starting to wear off.

"I'm sure he is."

Nobody spoke for a while. Andy felt her tears welling up, numbness gone and replaced with the overwhelming urge to cry. She willed herself not to, hoping she could hold out until he left. Unfortunately luck wasn't on her side and suddenly the tears were rolling.

Miguel was unsure what to do. He wanted to hug her, but he didn't know if she would want that. He decided to just go for it.

"Come here." A sob left your lips as he dragged you into his embrace. His touch made her instantly relax.

Andy felt vulnerable. She hated it, hated the feeling of being weak. Especially in front of him, the person she was suppose to be angry at and ignoring. But he was there for her, while everyone else was gone and doing something else.

"I'm sorry." She whispered into his shoulder, her sobs calming down.

"Don't be. It's never easy to lose someone. But know you're not alone. I'm right here."

The two stood there for a good 20 minutes. Andy finally felt put together again. For the most part at least. It was going to be rough for a while, she knew that.

"I have to go to karate." He suddenly whispered. Andy frowned. She didn't want to let him go just yet.

"Sorry, I shouldn't of...sorry." She shook her head, pulling away from the hug. Miguel was reluctant to let her go.

"It's okay. I'm always here for you no matter if you're angry at me or not." Andy tensed up at the mention of that.

"I'm not mad...upset and disappointed maybe. But not mad." The girl looked down and played with her hands.

"Trust me, I'm all three at myself right now." Andy looked up at that, connecting eyes with him. He held so much guilt and regret, it made her feel terrible. It hurt her to see him look at her like this, but she knew it was for the best. Until she no longer loved him, they couldn't be friends.

"Did you mean it?" She tilted her head in confusion at his question. "When you said you loved me?"

Her eyes instantly darted away. She suddenly didn't feel like eye contact. Looking down, she nodded shortly. She did mean it. She loved him. She didn't know how she knew but she did. Andrea Lawrence loved Miguel Diaz.

"You better go. Kreese is worse than dad." Andy tried to joke. "And...thank you."

"Anytime. Call if you need anything and I'll be over as fast as I can."

Andy waited for him to walk away. She looked down at their shoes, waiting to see him move. Instead, she felt a warm kiss being placed to her forehead. Her eyes closed in content. Oh how she missed his affections.

When she opened her eyes again, he was gone. She was left with an ache in her heart and a sniffle of her nose.

For the next two weeks, Andy distanced herself from everyone physically. The only person she felt like seeing was her dad. Instead she messaged her friends and sometimes would Facetime with Demetri or Hawk. Lucas and Andy talked a lot, like a lot. It was unnatural for them not to be texting, even if he was working. She planned to go see him soon.

Hawk kept her updated on everything happening in karate. Honestly some of Kreese's lessons concerned her. He was really taking the "no mercy" to heart.

Today was the day both Johnny and Andy deemed it time to go back to Cobra Kai. Andy wasn't fully ready for the questions and the "I'm sorry's" but she sucked it up. Apparently today was a special lesson. Kreese planned to take them to Coyote Creek. The girl had no idea what that meant and didn't feel like asking.

Andy drove her own car to Karate, knowing they would need as many cars as possible to get down to Coyote Creek if it was some sort of field trip. Her and Johnny entered together. Luckily nobody really acknowledged them except for Miguel.

"Hey, Sensei, An. I'm sorry about your loss." Andy almost winced. There they go.

"Thanks." Johnny said in return.

"So how was the funeral?" Miguel asked. A lump formed in Andy's throat at the memory of the funeral. So much crying...

"As good as any funeral can be." Johnny said in a slightly sarcastic tone. "So how'd it go around here while we were gone?"

"Great. I mean, Sensei Kreese is tough, but he knows what it takes to win." Andy did not like the sound of that. There's more to life than winning.

Johnny patted his daughter on the back and headed for the office. Andy was left alone to Miguel.

"How are you holding up?" He asked quietly, looking at her in concern.

"I'm fine. I'm good." She nodded, not knowing what else to say. She wasn't really doing that great, but how was she suppose to tell him that.

"The offer still stands, if you need anything call me." He muttered quietly. "I know were not on the best of terms but I do still consider you my best friend."

Andy almost cried on the spot. Even after everything he still cared about her. She gave a nod of appreciation before Kreese and Johnny emerged from the office.

"Everybody, get your go's on. Training starts in five minutes." Johnny yelled out. Andy and Miguel exchanged looks. What was he talking about? "Yeah what's wrong?" Johnny asked as everyone gathered around.

"Nothings wrong. I just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today." Miguel explained, motioning towards Kreese.

"What's happening in the woods?" Johnny looked back at Kreese. He was obviously skeptical about this.

"Well I thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys." Kreese stepped forward. Andy quickly cleared her throat from her spot in between Miguel and Hawk. "And the girls, too, I suppose."


"Coyote Creek." Andy still had no idea what that was. She never heard any stories from her dad. Johnny sighed and looked in between his students and Kreese.

"I'm not sure they're ready for that."

Kreese scoffed as the students glanced at each other. "There's only one way to find out." The older man mumbled.

"We're ready, Sensei. We wanna prove ourselves." Hawk quickly spoke up. Andy glanced at her fellow Cobras before nodding. Whatever was thrown at them, they could face.

"It's up to Sensei Lawrence. If he says it's okay, then, and only then, is it okay." Kreese quickly said. Andy couldn't decide how she felt about him in that moment.

Johnny looked at all his students. He could barely decide if they were ready or not. He connected eyes with his daughter, who nodded her head in an encouraging way.

"Alright, what are you waiting for? Let's go."

All the students seemed happy as they headed for the door.

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