I get a message

Daniel; coming throw

I get out of bed quickly making my bed

Anna : what the fuck
Keri ; where are we
Jeff : wheres daniel

Tyler Christian and Daniel then all come throw

Christian : dude where are we
Jeff : where are we
Tegan; England
Daniel: yh England going throw wall takes u back and forth between England and LA
Keri ; that can't happen
Anna : how do we know your not messing with us
Tyler: your messing with us
Tegan: if u look out the window its dark and also u can a sign where it says Brighton
Jeff ; oh my God
Christian; this is so cool its portal
Tyler : how is this real
Daniel ; we have no clue and u know u ask where do i despear to well now u know where i despear to
Christian; u come to England
Anna : this is so cool
Keri ; so u can litrally go throw the wall and end up in a diffrent county
Daniel: yes
Jeff : why are we only finding out about this

Daniel explains why we didn't tell anyone

Keri ; we need to tell someone
Tegan: we can't
Tyler ; both our houses would be taken over by random people invading our personal space
Daniel: exactly thats why we can't tell anyone
Keri ; ok don't tell anyone
Anna ; does this mean we can come back and forth when ever we want or do u not want us coming throw
Tegan; just message and come throw when ever u want
Jeff : cold weather
Daniel; u can't tell anyone
Tyler; secrets safe
Christian: yh
Keri; that can be dangerous
Daniel: we've been going throw for ages if it was dangerous i think we would know by now
Jeff : so u have been keeping secrets from us
Daniel ; just this one u gotta understand we had to keep it a secret
Jeff ; i get it but wow
Tyler; why tell us now
Anna : yh
Daniel: she told her family yesterday about the wall cause they wanted to move and i said can i tell u
Tegan : and i said fair is fair then u get to know
Keri: are u moving
Tegan : no thank god
Christian; if u moved the next family would be able to get into our house
Daniel : yh that and then we would have to do long distance and have to fly to see each other
Anna ; that would suck
Tegan: yh
Tyler : stay in the house so we don't have strangers in and out of our houde house
Tegan: we are staying in the house
Daniel : the only people who will come throw the house is her family
Tegan; properly more just my sister but my family said u guys are welcome to come in and out the house
Christian : your family is welcome in and out of ours
Tyler: Just if they come throw stupid a clock be quiet
Tegan: we will
Jeff : are being to loud are we waking your family
Tegan: they can't hear a thing there on the top floor I'm on the bottom
Jeff : ok
Anna : so this means your mum can do my nails
Christian: i get to meet some sexy British girl
Tyler ; oh my God shut up
Daniel ; please do
Christian; nah
Keri ; its late we should let u sleep and i need to think
Jeff ; were leave u
Tegan; I'll see u soon
Anna : bye
Christian: peace

They all walk throw the wall apart from Daniel

Daniel: took it better then expected
Tegan : yh anyway i have a date planned for us tomrrow or well today for me tomrrow for u
Daniel; what is it
Tegan; well i should have the place to myself tomrrow so I'm gonna make us dinner
Daniel; ooo ok
Tegan : does that sound ok
Daniel; sounds perfect but i also have the place to myself tomrrow so we can do it either here or at mine
Tegan; do it at yours then we have day light
Daniel; ok
Tegan: I'll bring everything over
Daniel: how about some candles as well
Tegan; set the mood
Daniel ; yh
Tegan; ok
Daniel; ok I'll put some candles out
Tegan; sounds perfect
Daniel: so as u always tell me to sleep u sleep
Tegan: i will as i have college tomrrow
Daniel: have fun tomrrow
Tegan : i will try

He puts his hand on my face and leans in kisses me and i kiss him back

Daniel: sleep well
Tegan: i will bye
Daniel: bye

He goes throw the wall and i get in bed

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