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It was an odd day for Harry, he wasn't one to get angry at his mother, he was usually a mummys boy. But today, well today he was furious at her, not only had she gone behind his back, but she'd listened in on a private conversation he'd been having with his best friend Ed. Which is what started the huge argument that had commenced in the middle of the kitchen, the next door neighbours dog barking wildly at the noise outside.

'You are not moping around here all summer, Harold!' His mother was yelling at him across the table, and Harry mentally rolled his eyes, for he'd hardly be moping around the house when he could be out with his friends. But she'd gone and enrolled him in the local theatre production  that was holding a summer drama campaign

'Why would i want to do some shitty-'

'Mind your language!' She interrupted him

'Drama crap-'


'When i could be out with friends?' He finished his eyes narrowed at her, the question lingered in the air for a moment before his mum sighed and looked him dead in the eyes,

'You told Ed that you wanted to get your voice out there, this is the perfect opportunity' She told him her voice sharp, and Harrys anger rose, She shouln't have been listening to his private conversations with Ed, she wasn't even meant to know he enjoyed to sing. And here she was, putting her foot into all of his plans.

'I meant busking, playing gigs. Not a stupid musical full of old women and men that-'

'Harold, i've put your name down-' She cut him off as if it ended the matter, which Harry for one was not happy about. This matter was not settled and it wouldn't be until he wasn't forced into going to this waste of time.

'Which you had no right to do!' He pointed out, he was seventeen years old and therefore had at least some control over his actions. 

'I'm doing you a favour!'

'How?' Harry asked incredulously, he couldn't see the logic behind his mothers words at all, and he was usually be one to agree full hearted with anything she said,

'You get to mix in with the community instead of those few people you call friends' She said with such a serious look that Harrys jaw dropped, and she was insulting the people who stood by his side through school and invited him to parties?

'You don't know them!' He told her anger flaring up greater than before, and a strong need to kick something arise in his chest that he kept bottled down

'i don't think you do either' She said her tone softer

'I know them, and i refuse to go!' Harry said defensively, not letting up his harsh tones, he stared at her unblinking so she could see the truth in his words. His mum sighed and shook her head her jaw tensed up again as her lips drew in a tight line.

'You're going Harry if i have to drag you!' She warned and Harry knew that she'd stick to her word but he wasn't giving up without a fight, because hell, he really didn't want to go to the theatre four times a week for two and a half months. He'd have no time for his friends as well as working at the bakery.

'You have no right to force me to go, you had no right in listening in to my private conversation with Ed, I've had it with this fucking-'

'Harold Edward Styles what have i told you about foul language' His mother growled pointing at him sternly, Harry breathed in deeply his eyes narrowing in defiance, well he'd gone this far, what was a last retort going to hurt?

'Shit fuck cunt i don't give a shit, I'M NOT GOING' and with that he turned around and walked out of the room, knowing full well that he was now done for, and there was no way out of the summer drama campaign. So he'd have to make it bearable, and how else better than to get his best friend involved and cause as much chaos as possible?

He walked into his room slamming his door as he went, to send his mum the signal that he was truly pissed off at her and pulled his laptop out from under his bed and placed it on his lap. He logged onto Twitter and ran a hand over his face his mouse lingering over the status bar. He clicked on it

@Harry_Styles: Not looking forward to the summer, what was my mum thinking? SUMMER DRAMA? I can't act for shit, lol.

He pressed post and fell back against his bed wondering exactly what kind of hell his mum had placed upon him. The drama campaign was only three days away, so he could only wait and see.

Well it begins, well not really there will be slow uploads on this until my other story 'The Pen Pal Project' has been completed, but i'd written this up and decided to post it.

Hope you enjoy,

Lana :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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