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Levi's POV

The past few days are full of surprises. My dark world suddenly has a ray of sunlight after knowing that she might be alive.

Is she thinking about me sometimes? What is her life there? Is she eating well? Damn, I miss her so much.

I made my way again to the capital. Hange have already a plan.

After few hours, the meeting started already. Hange begin to revisit our meeting last few weeks. 

Hange's POV

"Armin and I made this plan. To invade a powerful land like Marley, we need to have a connection inside, and that is Zeke with the help of Azumabito's. We will live with the people there. We are going to disguise as one of them, just like what we did here few years ago. We will use our time there to find them." I stated.

"How long are you going to stay there?" Zacharias asked.

"Uhmm... for about a month." I answered.

The room was suddenly filled with different reactions. Ughh!

"A month!?" Nile asked.

"Yes, that is enough to fin-" I answered him but he cut me off.

"What if we lose all of you there!? What if their military caught you? They must know your faces since the titan shifters are there!" Nile shouted.

Erwin, how did you deal with this man?

"Commander Hange, a month is too long for us. Nile is right, you might get caught eventually." Zacharias said agreeing to Nile.

"And when are you planning to leave Paradis?" He asked.

"For the next 5 months." I answered.

The higher ups take a break for to deliberate the final order. I can feel my heart beating so fast. Please agree with our plan.

After half an hour, they came back.

"The queen and I come up with a final decision. You will invade Marley in the next 5 months. We will only give you 2 weeks to stay there and do some observation as well as find the former S.O.S Squad." Zacharias instructed.

Only 2 weeks!?

Levi suddenly stood up out of his seat.

"With all due respect, 2 weeks is a short period of time to find someone in a big land like Marley!" He protested.

"Please understand that we can't afford to lose our valuable soldiers here." Zacharias responded.

It seems that we can't really change their decision. So I come to Levi and whispers, "It seems that we can't do anything about it. 2 weeks is better than nothing, Levi."

"Okay. We will stay there for 2 weeks." I said to the higher ups.

"This meeting is already over. No matter what happen, you all must be back here in Paradis whether you find them or not. Commander Hange, we will be counting on you. Prepare everything you need for the next 5 months." Zacharias said and then they leave.

Nile and Pixis approach me to discuss some matters. I know that we have different opinions, but we can't abandon them.

After talking to a lot of scouts, finally, I get to talk to Levi who seems disappointed on the final decision. Well, no one can blame him, he lost his squad and his woman. I assured him that even the time given to us is short, we can still find them.

How are they doing out there? I hope they are really alive.

Levi's POV

After the meeting at the capital, I immediately made my way to Wall Rose to visit someone.

After few hours, I arrived at a house where I visit often. I knock few times and someone opens the door.

"Oh Captain Levi! What bring you here?" Mr. Ral welcomed me.

Ever since Petra "died",  I promised to myself that I will look after her father.

"Good day, Sir. I attended a meeting near here so I decided to stop by." I said and then project a faint smile.

"I see... come in! I'll made you some drink!" He insisted.

As I walk inside, I can see that he didn't put away Petra's belongings. Her bracelets, hairbrush, just all her girly things.

Mr. Ral put the tea at the table and seat in front of me.

"How are you doing these days?" I asked.

"As usual, maintaining my plants and some stuffs." He answered and then let a sighed.

"That's a good hobby, I guess." I responded.

"Yeah... Gardening is the only thing I didn't get a chance to teach her..." He said and looked away. He is still grieving for her.

Should I tell him already?
But I don't want to give a false hope. Especially, when we failed to find them.

"Captain... Sorry to ask you this but can you tell me how's the performance of my daughter in your squad? You know, how she acts..." He said.

I suddenly remember our memories together. Maybe it's the time to tell him everything.

"She is... one of a kind..." My voice suddenly cracks. It's embarrassing to cry in front of her father but I can't really hold back my sadness not seeing her here.

Mr. Ral looked at me with concern.

"Captain..." He said.

"I love your daughter.." I confessed.

I can tell by his face that he is surprised by what I said.

"I'm too late to save her... I'm sorry..." I apologize out of my regrets.


Poor Levi😭 When can they be together!? Ackkkkkk!

Here is the dedicated video for this chap♡

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