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A/N: I already said so in the description, but the original idea is from Jessiikaa15 on


It was Hallows eve. The street across the graveyard of Godrics Hollow was full with family's and costumised children wandering around, trying to get more sweets than their friends. One house stood alone. No one even went near it, like it was invisible to normal sight. Inside the house slept two children. A girl and a boy. Both exactly two years and a month old. The girl showed red hair on her head and had like any children still blue eyes, with a hint of brown. Showing that they will most likely change to this colour. Her younger twin brother showed dark chocolate brown hair and a hint of green in his eyes. These children were Rosina and Harry Potter. And one of them was prophesied to defeat the current dark Lord, who stroke terror so everyone didn't dare speak his name. The parents of the two were sitting downstairs in the living room. Talking in hushed voices so they didn't wake up their children about the latest turn the war in England took. The only thing assuring the family's safety were the voices of the muggel outside. Muggel, because the Potters were by no means a normal family. They were powerful humans with knowledge of magic. Wich in their branch is called Witches and Wizards. They were powerful, even among their own kind.  Suddenly they went silent. Not a single sound was heared, which could only mean one thing. He was here. He found them. Without exchanging a single word, the red headed mother ran upstairs while the bown haired father stayed where he was in favour of buying a bit more time. The door was blasted open just as the mother reached her now crying daughter and her calculating looking son. Before her husband downstairs was even able to mutter a single curse against the attacker, his body hit the floor. She began crying in thought of her loving husband but still got her wand at the ready. The door to the children's room was blasted open as well, making the young mother cover her children with her body and a protection charm. "Step aside." The voice and words of their enemy made her flinch but not move. "What shame." The voice spoke again and before she knew what happened, her vision was black, and Lilly Potter was out cold. Red eyes wandered from her body to the cots in front of him. He didn't want to kill one of the children, seeing as they were carrier of magical blood, but he wouldn't allow defeat. Looking towards the oldest of the twins, he saw that her little Brother has moved in front of her protectively, looking up at him with no fear. Now that was interesting. Everyone feared him. But this little child didn't. He also held great magical potential. "I'm sorry. But I can't allow them to continue. And you would stop me. Avada Kedavra." The man yelled, saddened watching how a green light travelled from his wand to the boy. But, nothing happened. At least not to the boy. The man felt his insides tear on him, felt his soul breaking out of his body and his body vanishing from existence. Both siblings were left with a reminder. The older had a lightning bolt scar on her cheek from the wood of the exploded door, the other had the same scar on his forehead.
Two hours later
A very distressed Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Albus Dumbledoor entered the house, only to find a groaning James Potter on the floor, who shoot up at the sight of them. "Were is Lilly? Were are the children? How are they?" He asked rapidly while the still worried trio went to the children's room while directing their stressed friend. When they entered they saw Lilly fussing over Rosina, so Sirius and Remus went to look for their Godson. They found him soundly asleep in his sister's crib. "Dumbledore  it's her. Rosina survived the curse. She has a mark." "You are right James. Rosina is the girl who lived. She shall resive training once she is seven. So she still has a somewhat normal childhood." "Dumbledore, seeing as only three people are able to sleep in the house right now, Remus and I would take Harry with us till it is repaired." "Yes, of course. That would be for the best. Lilly, James I still need to discuss something with you, but it can be done in the morning." Dumbledore told the proud parents. "Sure professor. The house should be fine in the afternoon. So if it is ok, you can come once Siri and Rem dropped Harry of." "Yes, whatever is better for you." The aged headmaster told them, then bid goodbye and left together with Godfathers and Godson. 

A/N: I can't read long chapters. I mostly scip uninteresting parts then so this will be in three parts. Forgive me please.
Violett Stone out  

Harry Potter and the legacy of oldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon