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Another year of hardwork

Another year of hardwork

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"....now she will slowly tap his shoulder...." i whispered near my friend's ear

"and shake her body so her boobs would move..." Felix said after me

"and now, he puts his hand in her waist theeeeeen...."

"SHE ✨AcCiDeNtAlLy✨ FALL IN HIS LAP" he finally said loud and everyone's gaze was on him. we bith laughed till we lucked of breath

We were waiting for our math teacher , when we saw Carol,a blond blue eyed slut talking to Max, a dark skinned boy with freckles and brown eyes

So, as always, we started guessing what cliché situation will she use today.... AGAIN

"ugh guys, stop I want to vomit just talking about them" my bestfriend Lina answered as she playfully trowed a paper on us

Lina and Felix are both the only sincere and close friends I have in this school

They are just amazing

I met Lina in elementary school when she just came from China, she was so scared but I helped her to get along with the new world and to learn english

Then we became bestfriends and both us decided to study in the same highschool

So after that our last school closed we both came here to Smith Public Highschool

We were strangers here but one day:

Flashback of one year ago

"it's so big on here, I can't" Lina said while turning all around to explore the new place

"I know right"

"OH MY GOD, ARE THESE BATHROOMS" She said and ponted to some blue doors on our left

"yay i never saw someone being so exited to see a bathroom" I said with a blank expression

"I'm just super...... Peessgling"

"wth that's not even a wo- watever, want me to go with you" i asked and looked at her

"no thanks I don't want you to record the sound of my pee again, go find your locker, i'm joining soon" she said and we both laughed remembering the memory

"ok then see ya, don't be late or i'll punish you" i said playfully and disappeared in the crowd

I don't know how much time I've been looking for my locker but that seems a loooot of time

I sedently turned my head to the directing where i heard a girl's loud howl for a second and was about to turn my head again when something hard hitted me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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