Chapter 3

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The villians hangout

"Hey little brat you said that you didn't have any powers" said Dabi. " I DON"T HAVE ANY POWERS! I don't know either why am glowing." This is certaintly a little trick of yours." No no I swear that I don't know what is happening." The villians are discussing something, probably about me. I'm not feeling well , It's probably because of the glowing. I hear weird sounds coming from outside.

* Boom the heroes are coming throught the wall*

Weird people came throught the wall. They are all wearing some super hero outfits. 

"Can I ask who the hack are these people?" 

They are looking at me like I was a dumb little duck swimming in the grass. "Hey little girl you seriously don't know us" asked a big man with a big smile on his face.

"Ehmm sir I really don't know you, I don't know if that is a bad thing but can you get me out of these chains?

" Ofcourse I can get you out these chains" said the big man. 

He quikly passed the villians that were standing in is way and freed me from the chains. Quikly after I was freed the glowing was getting worser and my sight went black for a moment.

Ughh I'm back to my mind, my vision looks really weird. It looks like my vision is much lower than it first was. I look around me and people are staring at me like there happend a miracle. I stepped to the mirror that was in the room and I was shocked. "WHAT the frick is this, what happend to me!"

Yes this is how I look right now, this is why I freaked out! I mean this isn't normal

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Yes this is how I look right now, this is why I freaked out! I mean this isn't normal.

Hey kid why are you so surprised" Asked another weirdo from the heroes. 

" Why do you think I'm so surprised this never happend to me."

There are still people fighting meanwhile I'm freaking out. Now I'm in this cheetah form I can help and tear villians apart. I stepped into the fight and cought a few of the villians. The most of them just runned away without fighting. Why would you just turn your back against heroes. As a villian you have to fight a hero right, that is litteraly the whole goal of being a villian. The heroes that were here to rescue me walked towards my derection. The villians were gone so all the attention came to me.

" Kid can I ask you what you name is" Asked the hero kamui woods. 

" Well my name is Sara and I don't f*cking now where I am right now.

" So Sara would you come with us so that we can gather information about what you know what happend.

" Ehhm I don't know, I don't think that I want to go anywhere with strangers." 

They discussed something together that I couldn't hear. When they were discussing something the glowing came back and I transformed back to my usual self. I missed my body, it's weird to walk around as a cheetah. The heroes were done with the talking and took me just with them. It's really weird that they just took me, does nobody in this world listen to people anymore?

U.A Highschool

I fell asleep in the bus where I was in. The bus stopped and I woke up, we stopped in front of a large highschool. 

" Sara wake up we are at the destination" said someone to me. 

I walked out of the bus and saw all the heroes waiting for me. "Can I ask a question, why am I standing before a highschool." Well we brought you here for further investigation.

" Why would you bring me to a highschool for inverstigation?

" You have seriously no idea what this place is?" asked someone from the heroes. 

" No I don't have a idea so if you please tell me maybe I can understand it.

" This is a highschool for teenagers who want to be a hero." Most of the time the inverstigations are here and your a teenager to, so it is easier to discus it here.

" Oh okay" I still don't get this whole world, how did I even end up in this situation?

The heroes took me inside the building and I was placed on a couch in a office. I look around in the office, there are not many special things. 

" So this is the girl that you took with you" I heard someone saying.

 A little weird animal came walking into the room. 

" You are Sara right? am the principle of this school" said the animal. 

"Yes I am, can I ask you what is gonna happen with me?" 

Well we are thinking about to put you in the class 1a to devolep your quirk." What do you mean with devolep your quirk, what is a quirk?" All the people that were in the room are AGAIN staring at me. Did I say something wrong, is it normal to have a power in this city. Okay wait that would explain alot if it's normal to have powers. " How can you not now what a quirk is, quirks are used in the daily lifes.

" Well how am I supposed to now what quirks are when we don't have quirks in America?" The room became very silent, I think they don't know a country named America. 

The principle started talking "Sara I think your not familiar with all this, for now we tell the things you don't know and help you as much as possible.

" Thank you very much, first can you please tell me what a quirk is.

" Yes sure, a quirk is a power that the most people in this world have." You get your quirk around 4 years old, so it's very normal here to have a power.

" Thank you for explaining it makes alot of sense now, but are you putting me here in school?" 

Yes we will put you in class 1a there you can learn more about your quirk.

" Okay thank you for taking care of me, there is still something bothering me.

" Well you can tell everyting here" said the principle. 

" Okay well I don't have a place to stay" I don't want to go back to sleeping on the streets. Sleeping on the streets is something I'm never doing again, respect for homeless people. 

" Sara you don't have to worry, we have dorms on the campus you will have a room in the 1a building.

" Oh thank you for everything you are doing for me." your welcome Sara, have fun and welcome to U. A highschool."

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