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The official name of Etienne's kingdom is Cinereal. The official name of Herobrine's kingdom is Exuberos.


- In the beginning, when they were still toddlers and Etienne had just taken them from the End, the twins were almost entirely nocturnal. They were just so used to the constant night of the End that it took a good two years to get them to the same internal clock as everyone else.

- Being very nearly identical, they share clothes. Not that there's too much to be split since most of their wardrobe is mostly formal robes and court clothes and armor, but what personal items they do have are passed around (and sometimes fought over).

- Tarquin (if he's not expecting it) is scared by touches. Enough that he will accidentally teleport halfway across the castle.

- Deirdre hates the scar from the fight with Ilbertus. It makes people able to tell her and Tarquin apart at first glance (since their outfits are either sheer or cropped) and she misses the days when people didn't even bother with names, just referring to whoever was closest. She knows it's an honor to bear since she earned it fighting for a royal life, but she hates it for cosmetic reasons.

- All the palace staff love Tarquin - the young girls especially. They pine after him relentlessly, even though on most occasions he's never even spoken a word in their direction. Deirdre, of course, finds this endlessly hilarious, and Tarquin doesn't understand it at all.

- For the first few nights after Deirdre was let out of the infirmary, they both slept in Tarquins bed. Just to be safe, of course.


- Arlow and Gemma got married on the beach. It wasn't a big event - really just a few close friends of Gemma's and Arlow's father officiating - but they did it outside their house, which they had been trying to buy, and realized they needed to be married for the man to let them actually go through with the payment (Gemma still despises that man to this day).

- Arlow was born on the side of the road outside a desert town. The doctors were very concerned - both at how their mother had given birth and that the baby was intersex - but as Arlow's parents were traders, they were just happy their baby hadn't decided to come when they were in the absolute middle of nowhere.

- Gemma's love language is quality time, while Arlow's is gift giving.

- Gemma is very popular around Audunbast for her weaving skills. Her beautiful tapestries can be found all over the city, and are a highly sought after item as they take so long to complete and the detail she puts into them seems almost lifelike.

- After being resurrected, Arlow leaves the guard and instead follows their other passion - music. Audunbast has never had a more enthusiastic bard - nor one that can give a firsthand account of a great adventure.


- When he was younger, Simon was fascinated by the ocean. So much so that he almost drowned... multiple times.

- Simon's a middle child. He's got two older brothers (Theo and Sal) who both became farmers, and two younger siblings (a girl, Maria and a baby brother Pat). At the time of his setting sail after the Night Ghost, Maria had just gotten married a few months prior, and Pat was almost grown.

- Though Simon isn't religious, he likes to talk to the universe like it's its own being. More than once, he's been walked in on having absent conversations with the air around him, just telling the world about his worries.

- Simon hadn't really ever planned to get married (he was more focused on ranking up in the military and making enough where he could send money home to his siblings and parents), but when he meets Maven, that plan flies out the window. It probably didn't help that every time he spoke to her she was wearing white.

- He's a huge animal lover. Doesn't matter who, or what, or where - if there's some kind of animal around, that's where you'll find Simon, trying to earn the creature's trust enough where he can pet it, or playing with it if he has already.


- Growing up, Maven often felt out of place with the other children, since they would stare at her. It's part of the reason she and Eret are so close - the other kids were a little bit scared of them, but Eret's eyes never bothered Maven, and he always said that white was her color anyway.

- Before Eret asked her to be his right hand, Maven had been thinking about going into some form of writing - whether it would be a palace scribe or an author of some kind. Obviously, being an advisor isn't too off the mark - there's a lot of doctrines to be written up after all.

- Before she met Simon, there had been more than a few men and women in and out of her chambers - thought notably, most of the men were blonde.

- While she was in charge of the kingdom, Maven stopped no less than three attempts at a political overthrow from some of the members of Eret's military he had left behind (and when Eret returned they were promptly removed from their positions).

- Simon asked her to marry him under the only white flowering tree in the entire palace gardens. The ring wasn't a diamond, but a white sapphire, and it was hidden in a bouquet of white trumpet lilies. She cried a bit when she said yes.


- As much as he cared about his kingdom, Etienne always cared about his children more. The kingdom was something that he had groups of advisors and allies to support and help him with - his children he would be raising alone. It was up to him (and only him) to make sure they were cared for.

- Before he killed the dragon and built his kingdom, Etienne thought his future lay traveling the lands with his friends (then Herobrine and Philza) just living off of mother nature and exploring the world.

- Etienne loved his wife very much. She was a girl from his own village, and they had grown up together. She was a few years younger than him, but smart and fiery and just the kind of person that would make an excellent queen. For years, he lamented that she died too soon to do much with her queenship. She would have been wonderful.


- When his mother was alive, Colin was very much a mama's boy. He would have never left her side if he could, and her death after the birth of Y/N devastated him. As he was only four or five when it happened, he didn't fully understand why she had died, and blamed infant Y/N for a while.

- He would frequently sneak out of the palace as a young boy, just to take one of the horses and run away from his princely duties for a while. These hours to himself are what fostered his love for adventure and the outdoors, and the feeling of being free.

- After being removed from the royal lineage and going to live with the monks, Colin adopts a little siamese cat and names her Kiko (the cat is absolutely spoiled).

- In the mountains, there isn't much good ground for horses, so instead of riding, Colin takes to hiking instead. He actually finds he likes it better, as it lets him just wander without having to worry about anything other than himself. By the time a full year passes, he's explored almost all of the mountain he lives on.

- Colin can't stand blue eyes.

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