Chapter 4

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The pack consisted of twenty trailer parks all crammed into one single location, about thirty miles away from civilization--at least, the human kind

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The pack consisted of twenty trailer parks all crammed into one single location, about thirty miles away from civilization--at least, the human kind. There was the gas station and the little grocer that belonged to the pack, and of course other various shops for other amenities. At the end of the day, the pack was it's own town, and even though they had no idea why, humans tended to stay away.

Once upon a time, the Doherty pack was Saoirse's home--her life. But ever since the wildling kicked in, Saoirse just couldn't find herself willing to be a part of it anymore. What was the point when she wasn't the only one in thinking those things? Once you become a wildling, you're an alien, some foreign, probably hazardous thing, and the pack would stay away from you. Once you're proven to be a wildling, the pack would do everything they could to keep you away.

Now--now, they technically had no choice but to take her back. She was their Alpha, their leader, and because of what she did to Bo, she had to take them back, too.

Bo quickly pulled up to one of the older trailers, turning off his radio and tossing one of her chips into his mouth (it wasn't until she woke up a couple of minutes ago that she learned he'd been sneaking a few of them into his mouth). She could see the smile that was beginning to form on his lips, how the wrinkles around his eyes creased further; he was happy to be home, while she was still stuck to the seat because of her handcuffs.

She watched as Ellis Cleary rushed out of the trailer to greet Bo, smiling broadly. Ellis wouldn't be considered a big man--with dark skin and just as dark hair, his strength was hidden behind his lanky figure. He took a quick look-over of Saoirse before his smile quickly faded.

She remembered the day he pulled her off of Bo, yelling at her, calling her a monster until she got the picture and ran as hard and as fast as she could. Now, she was back, and for all intents and purposes he would have to answer to her now. The look in his eyes told her that he was thinking the exact same thing--and he didn't like it one bit. She gave a little wave, wincing at the pinch of the cuffs, reminding that she was still locked up until Bo took them off. Surely, he'd take them off now.

They were home--she was finally back with the pack, and now he didn't have to keep her so confined.

They kept their voices low around her, she realized, watching their mouths move quickly and then abruptly finishing their conversation before Bo and Ellis moved to the passenger side. When Bo jerked back the passenger door, she was pulled forward with a violent tug, a quick yelp escaping her in a short breath. She shot a look that tore through Bo like a silver bullet, and he only seemed to take it with a low laugh.

"You cuffed her and snapped her neck?" Ellis shook his head. "You sure did pull all the stops with this one."

"She's a flight risk--snapping was my only option. Couldn't alert law enforcement."

They spoke as if she wasn't there, as if she were some invisible thing and they were having some normal, boring conversation. Saoirse figured the only thing missing was a cup of coffee in their hand. Bo took a brief pause to cock his head in her direction.

Little Bit Dangerous | 1 | TO BE PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now