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                         Harry's POV
The next day I'm in the great hall eating breakfast with Ron, Draco, and Hermione but i didn't see y/n anywhere and Hermione said that she wasn't in the dorm.
"Guys where y/n?"
"i don't know" I answer Draco just then we hear laughter and we look to see y/n with 3 Hufflepuffs 2 boys 1 girl and a girl Ravenclaw I continue looking as i see y/n went to sit in the Hufflepuff table
"Ok what's going on is she avoiding us?" ron asks
"Ok we definitely went to far yesterday" Hermione said we look at y/n and looks at us then looks away... I- we really need to talk to her.

         ∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ Time skipped ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

We were sitting in the library doing work i didn't see y/n anywhere. Just then the door opens i see y/n walk over to ginny and takes her. We look at each other i see Draco get up and walk over on the other side trying to hear but not get caught we follow him as we hear them talking
"Ginny i can't do this any more and i can't have you getting hurt"
"Well we have to try to get rid of it-"
"But how i've tried different spells but it's not working"
"What about professor Dumb-"
"No ginny it's do risky and dangerous-"
"What's more dangerous then what we are doing right now"
"Ginny you are the only one who knows i'm the one petrifying people i can't control what's happening i'm scared you keep getting flashes as if it's you but it's me and I can't control myself i don't know what's wrong with me i'm scared, even Draco, Hermione, Ron and Harry know something is happening i don't want them to get hurt. If i tell anyone bad things can happen i rather it be me then anyone else"
"Look just try to get rid of it without magic it might work"
"Just do something that doesn't need magic"
"Like what?"
"I don't know look ima go back tell me if anything"
"ok" ginny walks to back to the table as y/n leave when we all get back i look at Draco who looks hurt i know how much he didn't want it to be true Hermione breaks the silence

"Look Draco we know the truth I don't have to use the potion on y/n now and-"
"No Hermione still do it i want to know more and once we've gotten our evidence then we go to Dumbledore and end all this craziness"
"Draco that could get y/n expelled-"
"I don't care at this point" he looks down with tears in his eyes and continues his work Hermione places a hand over his but he doesn't move it he just continues to look down. I look at Ron who is still trying to process what's going on. I hear whispers and look around to see people looking at me i see ginny who it look then it turned into a glare, she must still be mad about yesterday.

"I'll see you guys back in the common room" they nodded as i left i keep walking until i hear the voice again. I follow it i see Justin on the floor and see sir Nicholas petrified. I walked forward when i heard Filch......Oh No. I tried to tell him it wasn't me but then professor mcgonagall came and took me to Dumbledore I walk around and see the hat he said he still thinking i would have done good in Slytherin. I walk to see a bird but out of no were it bursts into flames
"Harry?" OMG great just great,
perfect timing
"Professor sir, your bird- there was nothing i could do. He just caught fire" i told him
"Oh and about time too" what? "He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a burning day." Ok weird ? "Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. They burst into flame when it is time for them to die, and then they are reborn from the ashes" I take a closer look and see Fawkes rising up "Fascinating creatures phoenixes" he kept talking about Fawkes as i stare at Fawkes in awe as Dumbledore looks at me but then hagrid bursts in telling him i didn't do it but dumbledore believe i didn't do anything
"You believe me professor"
"I do harry but I must ask is there something you wish to tell me" I was about to tell him everything from the voices to y/n but then i realized y/n said something to ginny 'I can't control myself I don't know what's wrong with me i'm scared' I thought about it 'what does she mean about that?'
"No sir nothing"
"very well then off you go" I walked out i need to talk to Ron, Draco and Hermione about what that could mean.

My Happiness (Harry x reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now